

php Programming Glossary: rfc2616

Content-Length header always zero


Get size of POST-request in PHP


the Content Length header. See http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.13 In the case of file uploads if you.. Length header. See http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.13 In the case of file uploads if you want..

HTTP if-none-match and if-modified-since and 304 clarification in PHP


From RFC 2616 secttion 14.26 http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.26 If none of the entity tags match.. RFC 2616 secttion 14.26 http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.26 If none of the entity tags match then the..

Why is PHP interfering with my HTML5 MP4 video?


_SERVER HTTP_RANGE do your current stuff... else violes rfc2616 which requires ignoring the header if it's invalid preg_match..

PHP Redirect with POST data


header that you can read up on http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec10.html but I'll quote some of it The response to.. that you can read up on http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec10.html but I'll quote some of it The response to the request..



is defined under http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.4 pattern to find is therefore something.. is defined under http www.w3.org Protocols rfc2616 rfc2616 sec14.html#sec14.4 pattern to find is therefore something like..