

python Programming Glossary: kwargs.get

How to pass kwargs from save to post_save signal


def create_profile sender instance created kwargs some_id kwargs.get 'some' None other_id kwargs.get 'other' None if created #do.. created kwargs some_id kwargs.get 'some' None other_id kwargs.get 'other' None if created #do something with the kwargs above.....

Proper way to use **kwargs in Python


def __init__ self kwargs self.val kwargs 'val' self.val2 kwargs.get 'val2' A simple question but one that I can't find good resources.. to get for keys that are not in the dictionary self.val2 kwargs.get 'val2' default value However if you plan on using a particular..

Method overloading decorator


self args kwargs print self try if self.pos is None pos kwargs.get pos 0 else pos self.pos print args kwargs return self.type_map..

how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib


args kwargs ddata dendrogram args kwargs if not kwargs.get 'no_plot' False for i d in zip ddata 'icoord' ddata 'dcoord'..

Checking uniqueness contraint during form validation in App Engine


args kwargs super TeamForm self .__init__ args kwargs if kwargs.get 'edit' None self.old_name self.name.data.lower def validate_on_submit..

Django models - how to filter number of ForeignKey objects


the B count for the A related to the given B. if not kwargs.get 'created' True or kwargs.get 'raw' False return cursor connection.cursor.. to the given B. if not kwargs.get 'created' True or kwargs.get 'raw' False return cursor connection.cursor cursor.execute 'UPDATE..

What's a good equivalent to python's subprocess.check_call that returns the contents of stdout?


process.communicate retcode process.poll if retcode cmd kwargs.get args if cmd is None cmd popenargs 0 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError..

Ordered ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets


the existing data. def __init__ self args kwargs instance kwargs.get 'instance' None # See if we are editing an existing Contest... creating code to the existing same_m2m method. commit kwargs.get 'commit' True # Save the Contest and get an instance of the..

How to use a custom __init__ of an app engine Python model class properly?


seconds delay deadline datetime.datetime.now t key_name kwargs.get 'key_name' db.Model.__init__ self kwargs self.delete_when deadline..

wtforms Form class subclassing and field ordering


kwargs super UserForm self .__init__ args kwargs if kwargs.get 'update' None self 'passwd' .validators.append wtforms.validators.Optional..

What is a clean, pythonic way to have multiple constructors in Python?


#kwargs dictionary of named arguments self.num_holes kwargs.get 'num_holes' random_holes To better explain the concept of args..

Copying and Writing EXIF information from one image to another using pyexiv2


exifInformation.iteritems metadata key value copyrightName kwargs.get 'copyright' None if copyrightName None metadata 'Exif.Image.Copyright'..

django auth User truncating email field


def email_field_init self args kwargs kwargs 'max_length' kwargs.get 'max_length' 200 CharField.__init__ self args kwargs EmailField.__init__..