

python Programming Glossary: mainhandler

Python UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 ordinal not in range(128)


' of ' monthExtenso todaymonth ' of ' todayYear class MainHandler webapp2.RequestHandler def get self self.response.out.write.. geted_contractType app webapp2.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler ' yourcontract' yourcontractHandler debug True python google..

give openid users additional information


user_db.put return user_db class MainHandler BaseHandler def get self self.response.headers 'Content Type'.. self.request.uri app webapp2.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler debug True There are many different approaches to this problem..

What does the 'u' symbol mean in front of string values?


label br br input type submit form dictionarymain class MainHandler webapp2.RequestHandler def get self self.response.out.write.. cgi.escape s quote True app webapp2.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler debug True python google app engine share improve this..

How to query GAE datastore to render a template (newbie level)


todayDay ' of ' monthExt todayMonth ' of ' todayYear class MainHandler webapp2.RequestHandler def get self template_values person .. required True app webapp2.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler ' your_contract' your_contractHandler debug True python database..

How to properly define GAE's oauth2callback?


def main application webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler ' about' AboutHandler decorator.callback_path decorator.callback_handler..

Asynchronous COMET query with Tornado and Prototype


default 8888 help run on the given port type int class MainHandler tornado.web.RequestHandler def get self self.render templates.. __file__ static application tornado.web.Application r MainHandler r longPolling LongHandler settings http_server tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer..

How to implement Comet server side with Python?


requests. Example from Tornado documentation license class MainHandler tornado.web.RequestHandler @tornado.web.asynchronous def get..

How do I get the client IP of a Tornado request?


instance you can inspect the response like ... class MainHandler tornado.web.RequestHandler def get self self.write repr self.request..

Need help processing upload form with Google App Engine Blobstore


template.render path templatevalues class MainHandler webapp.RequestHandler def get self allfiles StoredFiles.get_all.. blob_info def main application webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' MainHandler ' upload' UploadHandler ' save ^ ' SaveHandler debug True run_wsgi_app..

How do I stop Tornado web server?


web page import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web class MainHandler tornado.web.RequestHandler def get self self.write Hello world.. Hello world application tornado.web.Application r MainHandler if __name__ __main__ application.listen 8888 tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance..

google app engine oauth2 provider


oauth import logging import traceback import webapp2 class MainHandler webapp2.RequestHandler def post self self.response.headers 'Content.. traceback.format_exc app webapp2.WSGIApplication ' . ' MainHandler debug True The app.yaml is trivial application your app id version..

using Flask and Tornado together?


RequestHandler Application from flasky import app class MainHandler RequestHandler def get self self.write This message comes from.. ^_^ tr WSGIContainer app application Application r tornado MainHandler r . FallbackHandler dict fallback tr if __name__ __main__ application.listen..