

python Programming Glossary: malformed

Parsing Source Code (Python) Approach: Beautiful Soup, lxml, html5lib difference?


own and if it can't it will give an obvious error about malformed HTML or something of the sort and that would be an indication..

Why does this string not work with ast.literal_eval


does this string not work with ast.literal_eval I get a malformed string error. Here is my testings eval 'Hello ' 'fdsfds' 'Hello.. Python27 lib ast.py line 79 in _convert raise ValueError 'malformed string' ValueError malformed string python string eval share.. in _convert raise ValueError 'malformed string' ValueError malformed string python string eval share improve this question From..

“Unicode Error ”unicodeescape" codec can't decode bytes… Cannot open text files in Python 3


'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 11 12 malformed N character escape pyshell#41 line 1 g codecs.open C Users Eric..

Is there a way to recover iterparse on invalid Char values?


encoding 'UTF 8' recover True If you mean malformed XML then this obviously won't work. If you can post your traceback..

Parsing HTML in python - lxml or BeautifulSoup? Which of these is better for what kinds of purposes?


The most common problems are handling tags incorrectly malformed start tag errors and bad end tag errors. This page explains..

How to parse malformed HTML in python, using standard libraries


to parse malformed HTML in python using standard libraries There are so many html.. Hello i World i Bonus points XPATH support Handle unclosed malformed tags. big does anyone here know html Here's my 90 solution as..

Is there a Python library function which attempts to guess the character-encoding of some bytes?


strange bytes in header fields. I suspect this is just malformed mail the message itself claims to be us ascii so I don't think..

reading csv files in scipy/numpy in Python


in enumerate reader if len record fields print Skipping malformed record i contains i fields i expected record len record fields..

Python: Advanced Nested List Comprehension Syntax


l 0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 # so where is my list comprehension malformed But when I tried it on a hunch this worked x for x in range.. I don't understand why my list comprehensions seem to be malformed nor do I understand how the scoping of the if statements work...

How to write PIL image filter for plain pgm format?


pgm2pil... Below is the test funtion feep_false.pgm is a malformed pgm e.g. P2 FOO and lena.pgm is just the image file import pgm2pil..

Regex for links in html text


browser like heuristics to try to parse the non standard malformed HTML that you are likely to actually come across. If you are..

How to handle “duck typing” in Python?


user gives you to make sure it isn't malicious or horribly malformed and provide useful feedback instead of a stack trace. But for..

Python - How to validate a url in python ? (Malformed or not)


with the fetched HTML. How can I check for the URL to be malformed or not For Example url 'google' Malformed url 'google.com' Malformed.. google' Malformed How can we achieve this python url malformedurlexception share improve this question django url validation..

Parsing HTML in Python [closed]


deprecated. I would prefer if it could stomache a bit of malformed HTML although I'm pretty sure most of the input will be pretty..

Why is ElementTree raising a ParseError?


thing is I'm using the trace to find out if I have any malformed XML that's breaking the parser. I then isolate the node that..

Converting a String to Dictionary?


lib python2.6 ast.py line 67 in _convert raise ValueError 'malformed string' ValueError malformed string share improve this answer..