

python Programming Glossary: models.datefield

Uncaught ReferenceError: django is not defined


css widgets.css form.media ... My model fields start_date models.DateField end_date models.DateField And my form class class UserForm ModelForm.. ... My model fields start_date models.DateField end_date models.DateField And my form class class UserForm ModelForm start_date forms.DateField..

django Datefield to Unix timestamp


timestamp Hello In a model I have a such field mydate models.DateField now a javascript graph function requires unix timestamp such..

Distinguishing parent model's children with Django inheritance


in django 1.1.1 . class Archive models.Model pub_date models.DateField def __unicode__ self return Archive s self.pub_date class ArchiveB..

Atomic operations in Django?


visitType models.CharField max_length 60 visitDate models.DateField 'Visit Date' counter models.IntegerField When someone comes..

How do I access the properties of a many-to-many “through” table from a django template?


Person group models.ForeignKey Group date_joined models.DateField invite_reason models.CharField max_length 64 Now that you have..

Creating form using Generic_inlineformset_factory from the Model Form


address generic.GenericRelation 'Address' date_of_birth models.DateField _ 'date of birth' null True blank True gender models.CharField..

Django datefield filter by weekday/weekend


I've got a date_created field in my database date_created models.DateField auto_now_add True Is there some way I could filter date_created..

Django : get_or_create Raises duplicate entry with together_unique


class Example Stat numeric models.IntegerField ... date models.DateField auto_now_add True ... #auto_now_add True was the problem class..