

python Programming Glossary: models.positiveintegerfield

Extending the user profile in Django. Admin creation of users


user models.OneToOneField User employee_number models.PositiveIntegerField unique True def __unicode__ self return 'Number' python django..

Model limit_choices_to={'user': user}


Project limit_choices_to 'user' user hours models.PositiveIntegerField Of course that code doesn't work because there is no 'user'..

django auto filling some data based on model attribute


s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id models.PositiveIntegerField content_object generic.GenericForeignKey 'content_type' 'object_id'.. s_y content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id models.PositiveIntegerField content_object generic.GenericForeignKey 'content_type' 'object_id'..

What method attributes are used in Django?


max_length 100 color models.CharField max_length 100 age models.PositiveIntegerField def is_adult self return age 18 is_adult.boolean True is_adult.short_description..

django model polymorphism with proxy inheritance


max_length 32 code models.CharField max_length 32 quantity models.PositiveIntegerField value models.DecimalField max_digits 4 decimal_places 2 type..

ForeignKey to abstract class (generic relations)


your models here. class service models.Model port models.PositiveIntegerField class Meta abstract True class sshService service username models.CharField.. django.db import models class Service models.Model port models.PositiveIntegerField class SSHService Service username models.CharField max_length..

How to use dynamic foreignkey in Django?


True content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id models.PositiveIntegerField content_object generic.GenericForeignKey 'content_type' 'object_id'.. like content_type models.ForeignKey ContentType object_id models.PositiveIntegerField content_object generic.GenericForeignKey 'content_type' 'object_id'..