

python Programming Glossary: models.datetimefield

Actions triggered by field change in Django


max_length 100 owner models.ForeignKey User created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True started models.DateTimeField null True state.. created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True started models.DateTimeField null True state models.CharField max_length 1 choices STATE_CHOICES..

How do you upload a file with a POST request on django-tastypie? [duplicate]


128 video_views models.IntegerField default 0 upload_date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True video_description models.CharField max_length.. video_views models.IntegerField default 0 upload_date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True video_description models.CharField max_length..

Django auto_now and auto_now_add


have this in my models.py class User models.Model created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True modified models.DateTimeField auto_now True.. created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True modified models.DateTimeField auto_now True When updating a row I get Sun Nov 15 02 18 12.. like this import datetime class User models.Model created models.DateTimeField editable False modified models.DateTimeField def save self args..

Django Query That Get Most Recent Objects From Different Categories


Cake models.Model bakery models.ForeignKey Bakery baked_at models.DateTimeField So I'm looking for a query that returns the most recent cake..

Django - Working with multiple forms


question models.CharField max_length 200 pub_date models.DateTimeField class Choice models.Model poll models.ForeignKey Poll choice..

Django. default=datetime.now() problem


models.ForeignKey UserSession related_name 'payment' date models.DateTimeField default datetime.now blank True sum models.FloatField default.. to accomplish what you are trying to do already date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True blank True or date models.DateTimeField default.. models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True blank True or date models.DateTimeField default datetime.now blank True The difference between the second..

Django Admin: Using a custom widget for only one model field


type class StopAdmin admin.ModelAdmin formfield_overrides models.DateTimeField 'widget' ApproveStopWidget This is not granular enough though...

Inline-like solution for Django Admin where Admin contains ForeignKey to other model


the admin view. class Appointment models.Model datetime models.DateTimeField customer models.ForeignKey Customer class Meta ordering 'datetime'..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


models.CharField max_length 255 email_token_expiry models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True tos models.BooleanField default False active.. False active models.BooleanField default False last_login models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True last_action models.DateTimeField auto_now_add.. models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True last_action models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True is_admin models.BooleanField default False..