

python Programming Glossary: nv

Project Euler #22 Python, 2205 points missing?


liner nested list comprehensions avast ye print sum pos 1 nv for pos nv in enumerate sum ord char 64 for char in name for.. list comprehensions avast ye print sum pos 1 nv for pos nv in enumerate sum ord char 64 for char in name for name in sorted.. 'r' .readline .split Or more readably print sum pos 1 nv for pos nv in enumerate sum ord char 64 for char in name for..

What is the best way to do automatic attribute assignment in Python, and is it a good idea?


this shortcut Is there a better way to achieve similar convenience python attributes decorator share improve this question.. 'exclude' None sieve lambda l itertools.ifilter lambda nv nv 0 not in exclude l elif len names 1 and inspect.isfunction.. 'exclude' None sieve lambda l itertools.ifilter lambda nv nv 0 not in exclude l elif len names 1 and inspect.isfunction names..