

python Programming Glossary: nx.draw

Plotting directed graphs in Python in a way that show all edges separately


G.add_edges_from 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 plt.figure figsize 8 8 nx.draw G I would like to display something like this with each parallel..

generating a PNG with matplotlib when DISPLAY is undefined


nx.Graph G.add_node 1 G.add_nodes_from 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 #nx.draw_graphviz G #nx_write_dot G 'node.png' nx.draw G plt.savefig.. 6 7 8 9 10 #nx.draw_graphviz G #nx_write_dot G 'node.png' nx.draw G plt.savefig var www node.png Traceback most recent call last.. most recent call last File graph.py line 13 in module nx.draw G File usr lib pymodules python2.5 networkx drawing nx_pylab.py..