

python Programming Glossary: ny

Reading a direct access fortran unformatted file in Python


sys from pylab import def readslice inputfilename field nx ny timeslice f open inputfilename 'r' f.seek timeslice nx ny field.. ny timeslice f open inputfilename 'r' f.seek timeslice nx ny field np.fromfile inputfilename dtype 'd' count nx ny field.. nx ny field np.fromfile inputfilename dtype 'd' count nx ny field np.reshape field nx ny return field a np.dtype 'd' a readslice..

Mutli-threading python with Tkinter


width 2 self.nx randrange 10 10 1 self.nx 2.0 self.ny randrange 10 10 1 self.ny 2.0 #self.can.bind Motion self.destruction.. 10 10 1 self.nx 2.0 self.ny randrange 10 10 1 self.ny 2.0 #self.can.bind Motion self.destruction add self.statut True.. 0 or self.posy_ball self.radius self.hauteur_can self.ny self.ny self.can.move self.ball1 self.nx self.ny self.can.after..

pygame - KEYDOWN event - line not updating position


updating rotating. 2. Is there a better way to detect if a ny key is pressed. Shooter Bullet Wall are classes My code comment.. Shooter Bullet Wall are classes My code comment if any function that would be useful in answering is not mentioned..

Making a weighted USA map based on state-level data


is highest and lightest here it is lowest. Is there any software or a java or python library that can generate such.. x y work.pop im x y color for dx dy in 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 nx ny x dx y dy if im nx ny start_color work.append nx ny USA_MAP.. for dx dy in 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 nx ny x dx y dy if im nx ny start_color work.append nx ny USA_MAP Image.open sys.argv 1..

Scipy interpolation on a numpy array


some xmin to xmax and ymin to ymax in each direction. Anything outside of those bounding coordinates you want to return.. of them do exactly what you want. Instead we can just set anything outside the boundaries to lie on the edge and use map_coordinates.. 11.5 13.8 3.9 7.3 10.0 13.1 15.9 4.5 9.2 12.2 14.8 18.2 ny nx z.shape xmin xmax 1 5 ymin ymax 10000 20000 # Points we want..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


onto another regular grid . You don't have irregular data anywhere in your example... Also the code doesn't run as is and.. example there are more efficient methods than griddata or anything I'm about to describe below. scipy.ndimage.interpolate.map_coordinates.. from code snippet above... # Size of regular grid ny nx 512 115 # Generate a regular grid to interpolate the data...

How to sort my paws?


way to sort the results with their corresponding paw. For anyone up to the challenge I have pickled a dictionary with all.. help recognizing a pattern but won't be analyzed. And for anyone interested I ™m keeping a blog with all the updates regarding.. of all of this it frequently doesn't work correctly. Many of the dogs in the full dataset appear to be running and the..

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


as plt class DataCursor object text_template 'x 0.2f ny 0.2f' x y 0.0 0.0 xoffset yoffset 20 20 text_template 'x 0.2f.. x y 0.0 0.0 xoffset yoffset 20 20 text_template 'x 0.2f ny 0.2f' def __init__ self ax self.ax ax self.annotation ax.annotate.. has a simpler usage and a lot more documentation i.e. a tiny bit at least . Basically you'd use it similar to this plt.figure..

Python - Twisted, Proxy and modifying content


see the HTTP requests from the browser. I am looking for any advice. Some thoughts I have are to use the ProxyClient and.. that I have worked with only the above two examples. Any help is great. Thanks. python proxy twisted share improve.. d.addErrback shutdown reactor reactor.run else # twistd ny proxy_modify_request.py from twisted.application import service..