

python Programming Glossary: policy

What does the 'u' symbol mean in front of string values?


select br br Check the box to implement the particular policy br br label Allow Broadcast input type checkbox name broadcast..

pyramid AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy secret parameter


the 'authentication ticket' machinery represented by this policy . What is auth_tkt cookie signing What is this 'authentication.. the passwords of these users. The secret parameter for the policy is that server side secret it's like a master password for your.. as valid if you configure the timeout parameter on the policy. It's good policy to set a timeout combined with a reissue time..

Python in the enterprise: Pros and cons


including of course Italy have outsourced monetary policy to the European Central Bank uses Python is very happy with..

Python subprocess.Popen “OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory”


failed you while enforcing the overcommit policy . Start by checking the vmsize of the process that failed to.. memory physical and swap as it relates to the overcommit policy plug the numbers in. In your particular case note that Virtuozzo.. as free or ps . In the case of an unfavourable overcommit policy you'll soon see ENOMEM . Alternatives to fork that do not have..

Parsing broken XML with lxml.etree.iterparse


XML silly BeautifulStoneSoup Slow and has a way stupid policy for self closing tags lxml.etree.HTMLParser because the xml..

Python Glade could not create GladeXML Object


interface requires lib gtk version 2.16 interface naming policy project wide object class GtkWindow id windowRelevanceEvaluation..

Pyramid authorization for stored items


for stored items I'm trying to create an authorization policy that takes item ownership into account. For example some user.. can I get the information about item to the authorization policy object permits call Is putting additional information into context.. routing only . How would I do that python authorization policy pyramid share improve this question You can do this using..

Getting started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python


key_pair_id return signed_url def get_canned_policy_url url priv_key_string key_pair_id expires #we manually construct.. key_pair_id expires #we manually construct this policy string to ensure formatting matches signature canned_policy.. string to ensure formatting matches signature canned_policy ' Statement Resource url s Condition DateLessThan AWS EpochTime..

Python name mangling: When in doubt, do what?


and setters. So why to follow this private by default policy Just make your attributes public by default. Of course it is..

Qt and context menu


easy in C . first after creating the widget you set the policy w setContextMenuPolicy Qt CustomContextMenu then you connect..