

python Programming Glossary: pool.join

Can I use a multiprocessing Queue in a function called by Pool.imap?


f range 1 6 time.sleep 1 print str results.next pool.close pool.join if __name__ '__main__' main I've tried passing the Queue in.. f i q for i in range 1 6 print str q.get pool.close pool.join if __name__ '__main__' main Finally the 0 fitness approach make.. f range 1 6 time.sleep 1 print q.get pool.close pool.join if __name__ '__main__' main I'm aware that it will probably..

Python multiprocessing pool.map for multiple arguments


RAW_DATASET pool.map harvester text case case 1 pool.close pool.join python multiprocessing share improve this question My initial.. pool.map partial_harvester case_data 1 pool.close pool.join J.F. Sebastian 's answer is more general because it allows you..

Multi threaded web scraper using urlretrieve on a cookie-enabled site


VendorID pool.map Fetch.DownloadJob links pool.close pool.join #worker.py import mechanize import atexit def _ProcessStart..

multiprocessing.Pool seems to work in Windows but not in ubuntu?


tasks pool.close # These are needed if map_async is used pool.join # Get results sim sp.zeros N nTasks for nn res in enumerate..

PicklingError when using multiprocessing


func arguments chunksize chunksize pool.close pool.join return sp.array result.get .flatten # First test function. Freeze..

multiprocessing.Pool - PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'thread.lock'>: attribute lookup thread.lock failed


multiprocessing.Pool pool.map check_one data pool.close pool.join while True try package version new_version json packages.get_nowait.. pool mp.Pool results pool.map check_one data pool.close pool.join for result in results if result is None continue package version..

Python multiprocessing.Pool: when to use apply, apply_async or map?


foo_pool args i callback log_result pool.close pool.join print result_list if __name__ '__main__' apply_async_with_callback..

Chunking data from a large file for multiprocessing?


groups results.extend result else break pool.close pool.join print results if __name__ '__main__' main share improve this..

Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing


# evaluate f 10 asynchronously r.get r.wait pool.close pool.join This script hangs with the following error message. Exception.. asynchronously # Use get or wait # r.get r.wait pool.close pool.join print results Using r.wait returns the result expected but using..

Python multiprocessing pickling error


pool mp.Pool foo Foo pool.apply_async foo.work pool.close pool.join yields an error almost identical to the one you posted Exception..