

python Programming Glossary: poly

Python: find area of polygon from xyz coordinates


find area of polygon from xyz coordinates I'm trying to use the shapely.geometry.Polygon.. the shapely.geometry.Polygon module to find the area of polygons but it performs all calculations on the xy plane. This is.. calculations on the xy plane. This is fine for some of my polygons but others have a z dimension too so it's not quite doing..

Python: suggestions to improve a chunk-by-chunk code to read several millions of points


read N . number of points and check if they are inside a polygon with points_inside_poly . I have the following questions.. and check if they are inside a polygon with points_inside_poly . I have the following questions When I arrive at the end of.. Polygon from matplotlib.nxutils import points_inside_poly # open shapefile polygon sf shapefile.Reader poly shapes sf.shapes..

fitting data with numpy


0.003095 Now I want to fit these data with say a 4 degree polynomial. So I do coefs np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit x y 4.. data with say a 4 degree polynomial. So I do coefs np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit x y 4 ffit np.poly1d coefs Now I create.. say a 4 degree polynomial. So I do coefs np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit x y 4 ffit np.poly1d coefs Now I create a new..

Multiplying polynomials in python


polynomials in python I did the adding and the subtracting but I.. but I am having a really hard time multiplying to polynomials in python. For example if I have 2X^2 5X 1 1 5 2 and..... class Polynomial object def __init__ self args Create a polynomial in one of three ways p Polynomial poly # copy constructor..

Subset sum Problem


I'm not quite sure if your solution is exact or a PTA poly time approximation . But as someone pointed out this problem.. give you just a CHANCE of finding an exact solution in polynomial time. On the other side if you restrict the problem to.. numbers in the set then the problem complexity reduces to polynomial time. But even then the memory space consumed will be..

Make an animated wave with drawPolyline in PySide/PyQt


with drawPolyline in PySide PyQt I'm trying to animate a polyline it have to act like a wave . I've tried this way from PySide.QtCore.. self parent None QMainWindow.__init__ self parent def poly self pts return QPolygonF map lambda p QPointF p pts def paintEvent.. QPen QColor Qt.darkGreen 3 painter.drawPolyline self.poly pts painter.setBrush QBrush QColor 255 0 0 painter.setPen..