

python Programming Glossary: s.connect

Python Interpreter blocks Multithreaded DNS requests?


socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM s.setblocking 0 s.connect self._url 80 except socket.gaierror pass #not interested in..

Heroku, flask, and python sockets?


socket. s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM s.connect daemon_socket_vars 'host' daemon_socket_vars 'port' s.send Hi..

Hotmail SSL3 version number error using smtp


the version I am using and how do I even investigate this s.connect 'smtp.live.com 587' 220 'BLU0 SMTP46.phx.gbl Microsoft ESMTP.. for more information. import smtplib s smtplib.SMTP s.connect 'smtp.live.com 587' 220 'BLU0 SMTP418.blu0.hotmail.com Microsoft..

Netcat implementation in Python


content s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM s.connect hostname port s.sendall content s.shutdown socket.SHUT_WR while..

HTTP basic authentication using sockets in python


Basic s' token 'Connection close' s socket.socket s.connect host 80 f s.makefile 'rwb' bufsize 0 f.write ' r n'.join lines..

Python client / server question


socket.SOCK_STREAM host 'localhost' port input 'Port ' s.connect host port cmd raw_input ' ' s.send cmd file s.makefile 'r' 0..

python: how to send packets in multi thread and then the thread kill itself


s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM s.connect IP PORT count 1 starttime time.clock while elapsed test_time..

Only one python program running (like Firefox)?


socket' s socket.socket socket.AF_UNIX socket.SOCK_DGRAM s.connect SOCKET_FILENAME s.send 'http stackoverflow.com' s.close def..

Adding SSL Support to SocketServer


socket s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM s.connect 'localhost' 9999 sslSocket socket.ssl s print repr sslSocket.server..