

python Programming Glossary: s.login

Hotmail SSL3 version number error using smtp


nSTARTTLS nOK' s.starttls 220 '2.0.0 SMTP server ready' s.login 'my.email@hotmail.com' 'MyPaSsW0rD' SMTPServerDisconnected.. recent call last ipython input 48 c8e9d7577d8d in module 1 s.login 'mymemail@hotmail.com' 'myPassw0rd' opt local Library Frameworks.. nBINARYMIME nCHUNKING nVRFY nAUTH LOGIN PLAIN nOK' s.login 'my.email@hotmail.com' 'MyPaSsW0rD' Traceback most recent call..

How to make a ssh connection with python?


do something like that import pxssh s pxssh.pxssh if not s.login 'localhost' 'myusername' 'mypassword' print SSH session failed..

Issue with sending mails from a distribution mail id [Python]


'server.com' 587 s.set_debuglevel 1 s.ehlo s.starttls s.login FROMADDR PASSWORD s.sendmail FROMADDR TOADDR msg.as_string s.quit.. id I tried commenting out the s.ehlo s.starttls s.login FROMADDR PASSWORD part but the code gives me the following error..