

python Programming Glossary: shape

Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays


cartesian product in. Returns out ndarray 2 D array of shape M len arrays containing cartesian products formed of input arrays...

Python: How to make a cross-module variable?


this question I don't endorse this solution in any way shape or form. But if you add a variable to the __builtin__ module..

python image recognition [closed]


to implement your solution As far differentiating the shapes I would obtain its silhouette by looking at the shape of the.. the shapes I would obtain its silhouette by looking at the shape of the background. I would then detect the number of corners..

How can I quantify difference between two images?


should answer these questions first Are images of the same shape and dimension If not you may need to resize or crop them. PIL.. I assume your images are well aligned the same size and shape possibly with different exposure. For simplicity I convert them.. 3D array convert it to grayscale 2D array . if len arr.shape 3 return average arr 1 # average over the last axis color channels..

Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation with Python


weights optional multipliers for 1 distance p of the same shape as q stat accumulate wsum wn for average weights How many nearest.. q k nnear eps eps interpol np.zeros len self.distances np.shape self.z 0 jinterpol 0 for dist ix in zip self.distances self.ix..

Peak detection in a 2D array


each column and row can't look in one direction due to the shape of the paw . This seems to 'detect' the location of the separate.. import matplotlib.pyplot as pp #for some reason I had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header. paws_data np.loadtxt paws.txt.. as pp #for some reason I had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header. paws_data np.loadtxt paws.txt .reshape 4 11 14 #getting..

matplotlib Update a Plot


much faster than replotting things every time. However the shape of the data that you're plotting can't change and if the range..

Efficient Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array


dimensional arrays import numpy as np def rolling a window shape a.size window 1 window strides a.itemsize a.itemsize return.. a.itemsize return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape shape strides strides a np.arange 10 print rolling a 3 Where.. a.itemsize return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape shape strides strides a np.arange 10 print rolling a 3 Where a is..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


image. import numpy scipy filtsize 3 a numpy.arange 100 .reshape 10 10 b numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape a.size filtsize.. 100 .reshape 10 10 b numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape a.size filtsize strides a.itemsize a.itemsize for i in range.. filtsize 2 1 i 0 filtered numpy.sum b 1 pow filtsize 2 .reshape a.shape 0 a.shape 1 scipy.misc.imsave average.jpg filtered EDIT..

Numpy: Should I use newaxis or None?


one e.g. import numpy as np print np.zeros 3 5 np.newaxis .shape # shape will be 3 1 5 The documentation states that one can.. import numpy as np print np.zeros 3 5 np.newaxis .shape # shape will be 3 1 5 The documentation states that one can also use..

Abstract methods in Python


to me atleast. I have a prototype which follow class Shape def __init__ self shape_name self.shape shape_name class Rectangle.. self shape_name self.shape shape_name class Rectangle Shape def __init__ self name self.shape name In the above code how.. Something along these lines using ABC import abc class Shape object __metaclass__ abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def method_to_implement..

Using a class' __new__ method as a Factory: __init__ gets called twice


get only a single call to __init__ in such a schema class Shape object def __new__ cls desc if cls is Shape if desc 'big' return.. a schema class Shape object def __new__ cls desc if cls is Shape if desc 'big' return Rectangle desc if desc 'small' return Triangle.. if desc 'small' return Triangle desc else return super Shape cls .__new__ cls desc def __init__ self desc print init called..

Is self.__dict__.update(**kwargs) good or poor style?


In Python say I have some class Circle that inherits from Shape. Shape needs x and y coordinates and in addition Circle needs.. say I have some class Circle that inherits from Shape. Shape needs x and y coordinates and in addition Circle needs a radius... constructors. I could manually set x y and r. class Shape object def __init__ self kwargs self.x kwargs 'x' self.y kwargs..