

python Programming Glossary: tk.tk.__init__

New Python Programmer Looking for Help to Avoid Recursion with tkinter


tkinter as tk class Application tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self self.title 'Hello world ' self.quitButton tk.Button self.. tk import tkFont class Application tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self self.title 'T Pad' # Menubar menubar tk.Menu self filemenu..

Tkinter Button does not appear on TopLevel?


import tkinter as tk class GUI tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self mainLabel tk.Label self text 'Example for pop up input..

Tkinter custom window


gradient class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self self.wm_overrideredirect True gradient_frame GradientFrame..

Python : Converting CLI to GUI


as tk import sys class ExampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self toolbar tk.Frame self toolbar.pack side top fill x b1 tk.Button..

How to share data between two classes


sock.close class GUI tk.Tk def __init__ self server tk.Tk.__init__ self self.server server self.entry tk.Entry self self.button..

How to connect a progress bar to a function?


statements are the same class App tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self self.queue Queue.Queue self.listbox tk.Listbox self width..

Advanced Tkinter text box?


as tk import tkFont class App tk.Tk def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self ## Toolbar self.toolbar tk.Frame self.bold tk.Button name..

How to run a code whenever a Tkinter widget value changes?


'''Example app that uses Tcl arrays''' def __init__ self tk.Tk.__init__ self self.arrayvar ArrayVar self.labelvar tk.StringVar rb1 tk.Radiobutton..

Tkinter: How do widgets update?


as tk class App tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs self.label tk.Label self text width 20 anchor..

board-drawing code to move an oval


items on a Tkinter canvas''' def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs # create a canvas self.canvas tk.Canvas width..

tkinter: inherit from Frame or not


as tk class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs self.label tk.Label text Hello world self.label.pack..

a downloading progress bar in ttk


ttk class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs self.button ttk.Button text start command self.start..

How can I dynamic populate an option widget in tkinter depending on a choice from a drop down menu?


as tk class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs self.om_variable tk.StringVar self b1 tk.Button..

Python, tkinter, changing the window basics


bold class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs # the container is where we'll stack a bunch..

Python, Tkinter How to Stop Text box Re-size on Font Change?


tkFont class SampleApp tk.Tk def __init__ self args kwargs tk.Tk.__init__ self args kwargs self._textFont tkFont.Font name TextFont self._textFont.configure..