

python Programming Glossary: tkfiledialog

How to update image in tkinter label?


from PIL import ImageTk Image import numpy import tkFileDialog class DIP Frame def __init__ self parent Frame.__init__ self.. def onOpen self ftypes 'Image Files' ' .tif .jpg .png' dlg tkFileDialog.Open self filetypes ftypes filename dlg.show self.fn filename.. tk import Image import ImageTk import numpy as np import tkFileDialog class DIP tk.Frame def __init__ self parent tk.Frame.__init__..

Packaging with pyinstaller: PyQt4 module not found


and I did not use PyQt4 at all. Imported modules Tkinter tkFileDialog tkMessageBox multiprocessing os sys time numpy scipy.weave pywt..

how to add the selected files from dialog window to a dictionary?


a.txt 0 b.txt 1 I searched on website import Tkinter tkFileDialog root Tkinter.Tk filez tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames parent root.. website import Tkinter tkFileDialog root Tkinter.Tk filez tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames parent root multiple 'multiple' title 'Choose..

choosing a file in python - simple GUI [closed]


How about using Tkinter from Tkinter import Tk from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename Tk .withdraw # we don't want a full GUI..

Returning a value after calling a function with a button in Tkinter


with a button in Tkinter from Tkinter import from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename from PIL import Image def main filename..

How to display picture and get mouse click coordinate on it


tkinter here's a quick script from Tkinter import from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename import Image ImageTk if __name__ __main__..

File Dialog in Tkinter Python 3?


tkinter.messagebox tkColorChooser tkinter.colorchooser tkFileDialog tkinter.filedialog tkCommonDialog tkinter.commondialog tkSimpleDialog..

Quick and easy file dialog in Python?


be a problem even if it was loaded to the database. import tkFileDialog file_path_string tkFileDialog.askopenfilename This code is close.. to the database. import tkFileDialog file_path_string tkFileDialog.askopenfilename This code is close to what I want but it leaves.. elements you have to hide the root window. import Tkinter tkFileDialog root Tkinter.Tk root.withdraw file_path tkFileDialog.askopenfilename..