

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:09:57

android Programming Glossary: android_asset

using asynctask to speed up android app launch time


Color.parseColor #000000 mWebView.loadUrl file android_asset game.swf AdView adView AdView this.findViewById R.id.adView..

How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android?


false webView.loadUrl file android_asset index.html private class AndroidBridge public void sendResults..

Webview load html from assets directory


wv wv WebView findViewById R.id.webView1 wv.loadUrl file android_asset aboutcertified.html fails here setContentView R.layout.webview.. wv wv WebView findViewById R.id.webView1 wv.loadUrl file android_asset aboutcertified.html now it will not fail here share improve..

How to change font face of Webview in Android?


needed @font face font family 'myface' src url 'file android_asset fonts myfont.ttf' body font family 'myface' serif ... share..

Android path to asset txt file


txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime..

How to get URI from an asset File?


Screen blinking when using a webview with flash


.setPluginsEnabled true mWebView1.loadUrl file android_asset graph_01.swf This work pretty well but on every device I tried.. View.VISIBLE 1000 mWebView1.loadUrl file android_asset graph_01.swf There might be a better way though that would..

Displaying Android asset files in a WebView?


in the project assets. I have found that wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that file okay but links.. this.findViewById R.id.splashWebView wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl file android_asset.. html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html Works But neither of the following..

Problem loading swf file in android


object width 550 height 400 param name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height.. name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text..

Problem to load flv video in webview


true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset.. expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html UTF 8..

phonegap - splash screen for Android app


the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for you. I've recently..

read file from assets


static List Message getMessages File file new File file android_asset helloworld.txt AssetManager assetManager getAssets InputStream..

using asynctask to speed up android app launch time


WebView.SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY mWebView.setBackgroundColor Color.parseColor #000000 mWebView.loadUrl file android_asset game.swf AdView adView AdView this.findViewById R.id.adView adView.loadAd new AdRequest android android asynctask share..

How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android?


new AndroidBridge android webView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled false webView.loadUrl file android_asset index.html private class AndroidBridge public void sendResults final String arg Toast.makeText FancySpinner.this arg Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..

Webview load html from assets directory


savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState WebView wv wv WebView findViewById R.id.webView1 wv.loadUrl file android_asset aboutcertified.html fails here setContentView R.layout.webview I don't really get any telling errors in LogCat... android..

How to change font face of Webview in Android?


Android path to asset txt file


path to asset txt file I'm doing FileReader fin new FileReader file android_asset myFile.txt in an Android project and many variations. At runtime I get a file not found exception. The file is present and..

How to get URI from an asset File?


Screen blinking when using a webview with flash


mWebView1.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView1.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true mWebView1.loadUrl file android_asset graph_01.swf This work pretty well but on every device I tried Archos 101 Nexus One Nexus S Galaxy S Xperia Desire HTC Hero.. new Runnable @Override public void run mWebView1.setVisibility View.VISIBLE 1000 mWebView1.loadUrl file android_asset graph_01.swf There might be a better way though that would remove the need for a fixed delay... It's been a while since..

Displaying Android asset files in a WebView?


use a webview to display html and included css files stored in the project assets. I have found that wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that file okay but links in demo_welcome.html either local no url prefixing the.. not available error displayed on the view. WebView wv WebView this.findViewById R.id.splashWebView wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html Works But neither of the following.. this.findViewById R.id.splashWebView wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy test.html Works or wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html Works But neither of the following links in demo_welcome.html work a href test.html CLICK..

Problem loading swf file in android


webView.setWebViewClient new HelloWebViewClient String html object width 550 height 400 param name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text html String encoding.. String html object width 550 height 400 param name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text html String encoding utf 8 WebView wv WebView findViewById..

Problem to load flv video in webview


.setAllowFileAccess true webView.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html.. true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv webView.loadDataWithBaseURL file android_asset expression_sad.flv htmlPre htmlCode htmlPost text html UTF 8 null @Override protected void onPause super.onPause callHiddenWebViewMethod..

phonegap - splash screen for Android app


your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for you. I've recently made some updates to how the SplashScreen works on PhoneGap..

read file from assets


file from assets public class Utils public static List Message getMessages File file new File file android_asset helloworld.txt AssetManager assetManager getAssets InputStream ims assetManager.open helloworld.txt I am using this code..