

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:09:53

android Programming Glossary: androidbitmap_getinfo

Rotating a bitmap using JNI & NDK


env jobject obj jobject bitmap getting bitmap info LOGD reading bitmap info... AndroidBitmapInfo info int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap info 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height.. info LOGD reading bitmap info... AndroidBitmapInfo info int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap info 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d info.width info.height info.stride if info.format ANDROID_BITMAP_FORMAT_RGBA_8888..

How to cache bitmaps into native memory


bitmap AndroidBitmapInfo bitmapInfo uint32_t storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD reading bitmap info... int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap bitmapInfo 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d bitmapInfo.width.. storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD reading bitmap info... int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap bitmapInfo 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d bitmapInfo.width bitmapInfo.height bitmapInfo.stride if bitmapInfo.format..

JNI bitmap operations , for helping to avoid OOM when using large images [closed]


bitmap AndroidBitmapInfo bitmapInfo uint32_t storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD reading bitmap info... int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap bitmapInfo 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d bitmapInfo.width.. storedBitmapPixels NULL LOGD reading bitmap info... int ret if ret AndroidBitmap_getInfo env bitmap bitmapInfo 0 LOGE AndroidBitmap_getInfo failed error d ret return NULL LOGD width d height d stride d bitmapInfo.width bitmapInfo.height bitmapInfo.stride if bitmapInfo.format..