

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:01

android Programming Glossary: geopoint

Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]


public class Segment Points in this segment. private GeoPoint start Turn instruction to reach next segment. private String.. instruction Add a point to this segment. @param point GeoPoint to add. public void setPoint final GeoPoint point start point.. @param point GeoPoint to add. public void setPoint final GeoPoint point start point Get the starting point of this segment...

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


Lat latitude Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude.. Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude 1E6 mc.animateTo.. is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int..

find current location latitude and longitude


question public class GPSmap extends Activity GeoPoint geoPoint @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..

Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map


worked for me createMarkers for elem bigList GeoPoint geoPoint new GeoPoint int elem.getLat 1000000 int elem.getLon 1000000.. 1000000 OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint elem.getName elem.getData itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayItem..

Android: Pass List<GeoPoint> to another Activity


ParcelableGeoPoint implements Parcelable private GeoPoint geoPoint public ParcelableGeoPoint GeoPoint point geoPoint point public.. GeoPoint geoPoint public ParcelableGeoPoint GeoPoint point geoPoint point public GeoPoint getGeoPoint return geoPoint public int.. point geoPoint point public GeoPoint getGeoPoint return geoPoint public int describeContents return 0 public void writeToParcel..

Creating Custom Overlay on the map


super @Override public boolean onTap GeoPoint geoPoint MapView mapView selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude.. onTap GeoPoint geoPoint MapView mapView selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude geoPoint.getLongitudeE6 return.. selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude geoPoint.getLongitudeE6 return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override..

How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android?


MotionEvent ev Projection p mapView.getProjection GeoPoint geoPoint p.fromPixels int ev.getX int ev.getY You can now pull lat lng..

Map display with release key in android


MapView myMapView null MapController myMC null GeoPoint geoPoint null double latitude 12.937875 longitude 77.622313 Called when.. R.layout.main myMapView MapView findViewById R.id.myGMap geoPoint new GeoPoint int latitude 1000020 int longitude 1000020 myMapView.setStreetView.. true myMC myMapView.getController myMC.setCenter geoPoint myMC.setZoom 15 myMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true myMapView.displayZoomControls..

adding multiple marker on google map in android


question is how can i add new marker. I created second geoPoint named p2 and after that what should i do Thank you very much... private MapController mapControll private GeoPoint geoPoint null private MapView mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay.. public void showMap TODO Auto generated method stub try geoPoint new GeoPoint int latitude 1E6 int longitude 1E6 mapview MapView..

Adding Overlay to OSMDROID


corner to another. My target is to add some icon where my geoPoint is set. here is my code package osmdemo.demo import java.util.List..

How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map


long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the geopoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection..

Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android I have..

Move markers in google map v2 android


google maps v2. I just want to animate the marker from one geopoint to another so please help me with a way to move marker in google..

How can I determine if a geopoint is displayed in currently viewable area?


can I determine if a geopoint is displayed in currently viewable area Say I have mapview..

Google Maps & apps with mapview have different current positions


purposes now 1 initially place one marker on the map geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER.. 2 initially place another marker on the map geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER..

Show popup above map marker in MapView


ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT geopoint x offset if required y offset like pinHeight MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_CENTER..

How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget?


the position of the balloon I just want to assign a geopoint the layout of a basic balloon Later on I might want to implement..

How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom?


onTap GeoPoint p MapView map if p null Do stuff with the geopoint return true We handled the tap else return false We didn't..

Create an Android GPS tracking application


the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created... array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through.. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. public class Tracking extends..

i want to draw path between multiple geopoins in android [duplicate]


the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created... array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through.. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. Ideally i'd love to create an..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


class CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius.. int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius geopoint point rad radius @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView.. Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels geopoint..

Can “overlay” size be zoomed together with the google map on android?


Overlay private static int CIRCLERADIUS 0 private GeoPoint geopoint public ImpactOverlay GeoPoint point int myRadius geopoint point.. geopoint public ImpactOverlay GeoPoint point int myRadius geopoint point CIRCLERADIUS myRadius @Override public void draw Canvas.. Point point new Point projection.toPixels geopoint point the circle to mark the spot Paint circle new Paint circle.setColor..

Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


Geo points. My question is how to find the center of the Geopoint I display OverlayItem on start and end position. But unable.. and end position. But unable to find the center of the Geopoint. How to find center point i use below code for display overlayItem..

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


1E6 int Double.parseDouble user_longitude 1E6 Geopoint to place on map geoPoint1 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble.. 12.930621 1E6 int Double.parseDouble 77.581710 1E6 Geopoint to Clientplace on map Drawable drawable_user this.getResources.. latitude longitude place.geometry.location.lng longitude Geopoint to place on map geoPoin new GeoPoint int latitude 1E6 int longitude..

Polygon Touch detection Google Map API V2


Your polygon is comprised of a list of vertices ArrayList Geopoint vertices . You need to look at each Line Segment individually.. if your Ray intersects it private boolean isPointInPolygon Geopoint tap ArrayList Geopoint vertices int intersectCount 0 for int.. it private boolean isPointInPolygon Geopoint tap ArrayList Geopoint vertices int intersectCount 0 for int j 0 j vertices.size 1..

Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping


but do everything in onTap int index and onTap Geopoint p MapView mapView like so public boolean onTap final GeoPoint..

Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]


Log.e e.getMessage XML parser feedUrl return null Segment.java public class Segment Points in this segment. private GeoPoint start Turn instruction to reach next segment. private String instruction Length of segment. private int length Distance.. of the turn instruction. public String getInstruction return instruction Add a point to this segment. @param point GeoPoint to add. public void setPoint final GeoPoint point start point Get the starting point of this segment. @return a GeoPoint.. return instruction Add a point to this segment. @param point GeoPoint to add. public void setPoint final GeoPoint point start point Get the starting point of this segment. @return a GeoPoint public GeoPoint startPoint return start..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


1E6 Toast.makeText getBaseContext Location changed Lat latitude Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude 1E6 mc.animateTo p mapView.invalidate @Override public.. Toast.makeText getBaseContext Location changed Lat latitude Lng longitude Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int loc.getLatitude 1E6 int loc.getLongitude 1E6 mc.animateTo p mapView.invalidate @Override public void onProviderDisabled.. if lngLat.length 3 lngLat pairs 1 .split if first pair is not transferred completely take seconds pair TODO try GeoPoint startGP new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lngLat 1 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lngLat 0 1E6 mMapView01.getOverlays .add..

find current location latitude and longitude


location found . Why this is so android share improve this question public class GPSmap extends Activity GeoPoint geoPoint @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState LocationManager locManager setContentView..

Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map


courtesy Drawing a line path on Google Maps 2 Here's what worked for me createMarkers for elem bigList GeoPoint geoPoint new GeoPoint int elem.getLat 1000000 int elem.getLon 1000000 OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint elem.getName.. GeoPoint geoPoint new GeoPoint int elem.getLat 1000000 int elem.getLon 1000000 OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint elem.getName elem.getData itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayItem itemizedOverlay.populateNow mapOverlays.add itemizedOverlay..

Android: Pass List<GeoPoint> to another Activity


1 Create a class that implements Parcelable public class ParcelableGeoPoint implements Parcelable private GeoPoint geoPoint public ParcelableGeoPoint GeoPoint point geoPoint point public GeoPoint getGeoPoint return geoPoint public int describeContents.. class ParcelableGeoPoint implements Parcelable private GeoPoint geoPoint public ParcelableGeoPoint GeoPoint point geoPoint point public GeoPoint getGeoPoint return geoPoint public int describeContents return 0 public void writeToParcel Parcel.. private GeoPoint geoPoint public ParcelableGeoPoint GeoPoint point geoPoint point public GeoPoint getGeoPoint return geoPoint public int describeContents return 0 public void writeToParcel Parcel out int flags out.writeInt geoPoint.getLatitudeE6..

Creating Custom Overlay on the map


extends Overlay Geocoder geoCoder null public MarkerOverlay super @Override public boolean onTap GeoPoint geoPoint MapView mapView selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude geoPoint.getLongitudeE6 return super.onTap geoPoint.. null public MarkerOverlay super @Override public boolean onTap GeoPoint geoPoint MapView mapView selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude geoPoint.getLongitudeE6 return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override public void draw Canvas.. public boolean onTap GeoPoint geoPoint MapView mapView selectedLatitude geoPoint.getLatitudeE6 selectedLongitude geoPoint.getLongitudeE6 return super.onTap geoPoint mapView @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow..

How to get the Latitude and Longitude on Map in Android?


Map display with release key in android


My code public class SampleMapActivity extends MapActivity MapView myMapView null MapController myMC null GeoPoint geoPoint null double latitude 12.937875 longitude 77.622313 Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main myMapView MapView findViewById R.id.myGMap geoPoint new GeoPoint int latitude 1000020 int longitude 1000020 myMapView.setStreetView true myMC myMapView.getController myMC.setCenter.. int latitude 1000020 int longitude 1000020 myMapView.setStreetView true myMC myMapView.getController myMC.setCenter geoPoint myMC.setZoom 15 myMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true myMapView.displayZoomControls true @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed..

adding multiple marker on google map in android


invoked many times. But why and when is it invoked The second question is how can i add new marker. I created second geoPoint named p2 and after that what should i do Thank you very much. android google maps mobile google maps markers share improve.. this will help public class ShowMapActivity extends MapActivity private MapController mapControll private GeoPoint geoPoint null private MapView mapview private MyItemizedOverlay userPicOverlay private MyItemizedOverlay nearPicOverlay private Drawable.. setContentView R.layout.your layout xml showMap public void showMap TODO Auto generated method stub try geoPoint new GeoPoint int latitude 1E6 int longitude 1E6 mapview MapView findViewById R.id.mapview mapControll mapview.getController..

Adding Overlay to OSMDROID


but all I get by the example is a straight red line from one corner to another. My target is to add some icon where my geoPoint is set. here is my code package osmdemo.demo import java.util.List import microsoft.mappoint.TileSystem import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource.TileSourceFactory..

How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map


boolean draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow long when super.draw canvas mapView shadow translate the geopoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels p screenPts tambah marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource..

Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android I have start latitude longitude and end latitude longitude. I find..

Move markers in google map v2 android


google map v2 android I am doing map clustering in android google maps v2. I just want to animate the marker from one geopoint to another so please help me with a way to move marker in google maps. android google maps api 2 share improve this question..

How can I determine if a geopoint is displayed in currently viewable area?


can I determine if a geopoint is displayed in currently viewable area Say I have mapview control in my Android app. If I know a landmark exists at a..

Google Maps & apps with mapview have different current positions


In my application I basically do the following for debugging purposes now 1 initially place one marker on the map geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 2 initially place another marker on the.. via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 2 initially place another marker on the map geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER This will put the last known locations..

Show popup above map marker in MapView


mapParams new MapView.LayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT geopoint x offset if required y offset like pinHeight MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_CENTER map.addView popUp mapParams share improve..

How to show a balloon above a marker in a MapActivity? Isn't there a widget?


I have to code so much for it. Like I dont want to care about... the position of the balloon I just want to assign a geopoint the layout of a basic balloon Later on I might want to implement a xml based layout the number of shown balloons only display..

How do I respond to a tap on an Android MapView, but ignore pinch-zoom?


com.google.android.maps.Overlay @Override public boolean onTap GeoPoint p MapView map if p null Do stuff with the geopoint return true We handled the tap else return false We didn't handle the tap android share improve this question..

Create an Android GPS tracking application


that looks like this Here He is my code below without the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint.. without the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. public class Tracking.. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. public class Tracking extends MapActivity implements LocationListener LocationManager locman..

i want to draw path between multiple geopoins in android [duplicate]


too complex for me right now. He is my code below without the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint.. without the imports. What I'm trying to do is create an array of geopoints. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. Ideally i'd love.. Every time the location changes a new geopoint is created. I then try to use a for loop to iterate through each geopoint and draw a path between them. Ideally i'd love to create an application that looks like this picture public class Tracking..

android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius?


import com.google.android.maps.Projection public class CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius geopoint point rad radius @Override public void draw Canvas.. CustomOverlay extends Overlay private GeoPoint geopoint private int rad public CustomOverlay GeoPoint point int radius geopoint point rad radius @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transform geo position to Point.. position to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point store the transformed geopoint into a point with pixel values projection.toPixels geopoint point text My Location Paint text new Paint text.setAntiAlias..

Can “overlay” size be zoomed together with the google map on android?


In your Overlay class public class ImpactOverlay extends Overlay private static int CIRCLERADIUS 0 private GeoPoint geopoint public ImpactOverlay GeoPoint point int myRadius geopoint point CIRCLERADIUS myRadius @Override public void draw Canvas.. Overlay private static int CIRCLERADIUS 0 private GeoPoint geopoint public ImpactOverlay GeoPoint point int myRadius geopoint point CIRCLERADIUS myRadius @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Transfrom geoposition.. geoposition to Point on canvas Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point point new Point projection.toPixels geopoint point the circle to mark the spot Paint circle new Paint circle.setColor Color.BLACK int myCircleRadius metersToRadius CIRCLERADIUS..

Find center geopoint between start geo point and end geo point on android


and longitude. After that i draw line between the two Geo points. My question is how to find the center of the Geopoint I display OverlayItem on start and end position. But unable to find the center of the Geopoint. How to find center point.. find the center of the Geopoint I display OverlayItem on start and end position. But unable to find the center of the Geopoint. How to find center point i use below code for display overlayItem on start and end position. drawable getResources .getDrawable..

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


geoPoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble user_latitude 1E6 int Double.parseDouble user_longitude 1E6 Geopoint to place on map geoPoint1 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble 12.930621 1E6 int Double.parseDouble 77.581710 1E6 Geopoint.. to place on map geoPoint1 new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble 12.930621 1E6 int Double.parseDouble 77.581710 1E6 Geopoint to Clientplace on map Drawable drawable_user this.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.mark_red Drawable marker icon Drawable.. place nearPlaces.results latitude place.geometry.location.lat latitude longitude place.geometry.location.lng longitude Geopoint to place on map geoPoin new GeoPoint int latitude 1E6 int longitude 1E6 Map overlay item overlayitem new OverlayItem geoPoin..

Polygon Touch detection Google Map API V2


point was inside the Polygon. So how do you do that in code Your polygon is comprised of a list of vertices ArrayList Geopoint vertices . You need to look at each Line Segment individually and see if your Ray intersects it private boolean isPointInPolygon.. You need to look at each Line Segment individually and see if your Ray intersects it private boolean isPointInPolygon Geopoint tap ArrayList Geopoint vertices int intersectCount 0 for int j 0 j vertices.size 1 j if rayCastIntersect tap vertices.get.. Line Segment individually and see if your Ray intersects it private boolean isPointInPolygon Geopoint tap ArrayList Geopoint vertices int intersectCount 0 for int j 0 j vertices.size 1 j if rayCastIntersect tap vertices.get j vertices.get j 1 intersectCount..

Android: ItemizedOverlay onTouchEvent and onTap overlapping


another marker on top of it. So what I did was not use onTouchEvent but do everything in onTap int index and onTap Geopoint p MapView mapView like so public boolean onTap final GeoPoint p final MapView mapView boolean tapped super.onTap p mapView..