

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:15

android Programming Glossary: getsherlockactivity

Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment


OnOptionsItemSelectedListener private SherlockFragmentActivity mActivity public SherlockFragmentActivity getSherlockActivity return mActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw.. OnOptionsItemSelectedListener private SherlockFragmentActivity mActivity public SherlockFragmentActivity getSherlockActivity return mActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity if activity instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity throw..

How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock?


do nothing return false set checked selected item and enter multi selection mode adapter.setChecked arg2 true getSherlockActivity .startActionMode new ActionModeCallback actionMode.invalidate return true this.list.setOnItemClickListener new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener.. switch checked case 0 if nothing checked exit action mode mode.finish return true case 1 all items rename delete getSherlockActivity .getSupportMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.library_context menu return true default getSherlockActivity .getSupportMenuInflater.. rename delete getSherlockActivity .getSupportMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.library_context menu return true default getSherlockActivity .getSupportMenuInflater .inflate R.menu.library_context menu remove rename option because we have more than one selected..

Sending message through WhatsApp By intent


intent send whatsapp share improve this question this is a Solution private void openWhatsApp String id Cursor c getSherlockActivity .getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI new String ContactsContract.Contacts.Data._ID ContactsContract.Data.DATA1..