

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:15

android Programming Glossary: getusermessage

Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update


else reply.writeInt 0 return true case TRANSACTION_getUserMessage data.enforceInterface DESCRIPTOR java.lang.CharSequence _arg0.. else _arg0 null java.lang.CharSequence _result this.getUserMessage _arg0 reply.writeNoException if _result null reply.writeInt.. pop up dialog need to show. public java.lang.CharSequence getUserMessage java.lang.CharSequence text throws android.os.RemoteException..

USSD service not working


stands for no pop up dialog need to show. CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text Clear timeout message and pre set MMI USSD.. return msgUssdRunning @Override public CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text throws RemoteException if MAGIC_ON.contentEquals.. control return return mRetVal if mActive Log.d TAG getUserMessage deactivated text return null Use this in order to cancel the..

Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update


reply android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE else reply.writeInt 0 return true case TRANSACTION_getUserMessage data.enforceInterface DESCRIPTOR java.lang.CharSequence _arg0 if 0 data.readInt _arg0 android.text.TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.. .createFromParcel data else _arg0 null java.lang.CharSequence _result this.getUserMessage _arg0 reply.writeNoException if _result null reply.writeInt 1 android.text.TextUtils .writeToParcel _result reply.. user message correspond to text. null stands for no pop up dialog need to show. public java.lang.CharSequence getUserMessage java.lang.CharSequence text throws android.os.RemoteException android.os.Parcel _data android.os.Parcel.obtain android.os.Parcel..

USSD service not working


@return specific user message correspond to text. null stands for no pop up dialog need to show. CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text Clear timeout message and pre set MMI USSD command This should be called when user cancel a pre dialed.. throws RemoteException Log.d TAG getMmiRunningText msgUssdRunning return msgUssdRunning @Override public CharSequence getUserMessage CharSequence text throws RemoteException if MAGIC_ON.contentEquals text mActive true Log.d TAG control ON return text.. if MAGIC_RETVAL.contentEquals text mActive false Log.d TAG control return return mRetVal if mActive Log.d TAG getUserMessage deactivated text return null Use this in order to cancel the output on the screen. return text String s text.toString..