

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:15

android Programming Glossary: geturl

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing .. return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM.. String sTerms mSearchTerm sTerms private static String getUrl String url final String getuuid SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


.transitionFragment manager fragment fragmentInfo URL getUrl return fragment @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM.. mWebBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex 1 .getUrl mWebview.goBack return true return false @Override public..

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations


with start and destination locations public static String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon connect.. so you will have to first form url public static String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon then.. double toLat 50.45 toLon 30.523333 String url RoadProvider.getUrl fromLat fromLon toLat toLon InputStream is getConnection url..

Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity


first String readyResponse ResponseCache.getInstance .get getUrl if readyResponse null Log.d LOG_TAG Returning CACHED server.. null Log.d LOG_TAG Returning CACHED server response for getUrl return readyResponse.getBytes try URL url new URL getUrl Log.i.. getUrl return readyResponse.getBytes try URL url new URL getUrl Log.i LOG_TAG Sending Request url.toExternalForm connection..

Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags


nPages dataItem.getPages tv.append nFile dataItem.getUrl int NumPages Integer.parseInt dataItem.getPages while x NumPages.. dataItem.getName x .jpg currentFileURL dataItem.getUrl currentFile tv.append nName dataItem.getName tv.append nTitle.. setPages String pages this.pages pages url public String getUrl return url public void setUrl String url this.url url public..

Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet


15 @Override public void onClick View widget public String getUrl return Url And the use its onClick for opening an Activity.. intent.setData Uri.parse customSpannable.getUrl startActivity intent stringBuilder.setSpan customSpannable..

Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script


user out and invalidates the token public static string getUrl if Application.platform RuntimePlatform.Android return var pluginClass..

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


String TAG IStreamingMediaPlayer.Stub public String getStation Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing return isPlaying public boolean pause Log.d.. public String getStation Log.d TAG getStation return station public String getUrl Log.d TAG getUrl return audiourl public boolean playing Log.d TAG playing return isPlaying public boolean pause Log.d TAG playing ..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm sTerms.. getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm sTerms private static String getUrl String url final String getuuid SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance .getUUID final String environmentApi SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


R.string.title_search FragmentStackManager.getInstance .transitionFragment manager fragment fragmentInfo URL getUrl return fragment @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Bundle bundle this.getArguments URL getUrl if bundle null mSearchTerm getArguments .getString SEARCH_TERM public void setSearchTerms String sTerms mSearchTerm.. String historyUrl mWebBackForwardList.getItemAtIndex mWebBackForwardList.getCurrentIndex 1 .getUrl mWebview.goBack return true return false @Override public boolean backPressed final MainActivity mainActivity if webViewSteppedBack..

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations


in KML format. To get kml file we need to form url with start and destination locations public static String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon connect to map web service StringBuffer urlString new StringBuffer.. is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry so you will have to first form url public static String getUrl double fromLat double fromLon double toLat double toLon then create connection with this url and get InputStream. Then pass.. public MapPathScreen double fromLat 49.85 fromLon 24.016667 double toLat 50.45 toLon 30.523333 String url RoadProvider.getUrl fromLat fromLon toLat toLon InputStream is getConnection url mRoad RoadProvider.getRoute is map new MapControl add new LabelField..

Android: 3G to WIFI switch while in the middle on the app = loss of network connectivity


connection null int responseCode 1 check the cache first String readyResponse ResponseCache.getInstance .get getUrl if readyResponse null Log.d LOG_TAG Returning CACHED server response for getUrl return readyResponse.getBytes try URL url.. ResponseCache.getInstance .get getUrl if readyResponse null Log.d LOG_TAG Returning CACHED server response for getUrl return readyResponse.getBytes try URL url new URL getUrl Log.i LOG_TAG Sending Request url.toExternalForm connection HttpURLConnection.. null Log.d LOG_TAG Returning CACHED server response for getUrl return readyResponse.getBytes try URL url new URL getUrl Log.i LOG_TAG Sending Request url.toExternalForm connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection connection.setUseCaches..

Android: How to get values in under specific xml tags


dataItem.getName tv.append nTitle dataItem.getTitle tv.append nPages dataItem.getPages tv.append nFile dataItem.getUrl int NumPages Integer.parseInt dataItem.getPages while x NumPages currentFile dataItem.getName x .jpg currentFileURL.. Integer.parseInt dataItem.getPages while x NumPages currentFile dataItem.getName x .jpg currentFileURL dataItem.getUrl currentFile tv.append nName dataItem.getName tv.append nTitle dataItem.getTitle tv.append nPages NumPages tv.append.. title pages public String getPages return pages public void setPages String pages this.pages pages url public String getUrl return url public void setUrl String url this.url url public String toString return Firstname this.firstname n Lastname..

Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet


true ds.setShadowLayer 10 1 1 Color.WHITE ds.setTextSize 15 @Override public void onClick View widget public String getUrl return Url And the use its onClick for opening an Activity or URL. I am adding a demo for loading a URL in WebView . String.. public void onClick View widget Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse customSpannable.getUrl startActivity intent stringBuilder.setSpan customSpannable 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE textView.setText..

Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script


#if UNITY_ANDROID public class UnityUrlPlugin Logs the user out and invalidates the token public static string getUrl if Application.platform RuntimePlatform.Android return var pluginClass new AndroidJavaClass com.you.UnityUrlPlugin AndroidJavaObject..

How to play online radio in android


may have to resolve the URL. A simple way to do this is use HttpURLConnection to open a connection then connect then getURL . You'll likely need a string url so call toExternalForm on the result from getURL . Additionally If things aren't working.. open a connection then connect then getURL . You'll likely need a string url so call toExternalForm on the result from getURL . Additionally If things aren't working for you with MediaPlayer via URL you might have to come up with your own buffering..

Send HTTP GET request with header


that it is a GET request and contains the x zip header . EDIT try HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient String getURL http example.com getmethod.aspx id 111 method Test HttpGet get new HttpGet getURL get.setHeader Content Type application.. client new DefaultHttpClient String getURL http example.com getmethod.aspx id 111 method Test HttpGet get new HttpGet getURL get.setHeader Content Type application x zip HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity..

Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script


jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_blahy extern C jstring Java_com_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this void Java_com_blah_blah_setURL JNIEnv env jobject this jstring URL jstring url void Java_com_blah_blah_setURL.. DEBUG_TAG NDK LC s szLogThis env ReleaseStringUTFChars env URL szLogThis jstring Java_com_lyfelotto_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this return url My unity code loads the library just fine using DllImport libname . Now if I load the.. libname . Now if I load the function correctly like this private static extern jstring Java_com_lyfelotto_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this bad things happen Have I gone about this the wrong way Like I said all I need to do is get a string..