

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:00

android Programming Glossary: locale.setdefault

Changing Locale within the app itself


item.getItemId case 201 Locale locale2 new Locale fr Locale.setDefault locale2 Configuration config2 new Configuration config2.locale.. item.getItemId case 201 Locale locale new Locale nl Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale.. .show break case 202 Locale locale2 new Locale fr Locale.setDefault locale2 Configuration config2 new Configuration config2.locale..

Custom Multi Language support


context String locale Locale locJa new Locale locale Locale.setDefault locJa Configuration config new Configuration config.locale locJa..

Set Locale programatically


Hope this help in onResume Locale locale new Locale ru Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale..

Change Android KeyBoard language


language from Settings and trying to set English language. Locale.setDefault Locale.ENGLISH Configuration config getResources .getConfiguration..

How can I change language of my application?


locale Log.d TAG Already correct language set return Locale.setDefault locale android.content.res.Configuration config new android.content.res.Configuration..

Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language?


by programmatically Locale locale new Locale en_US Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale..

Changing Locale within the app itself


public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case 201 Locale locale2 new Locale fr Locale.setDefault locale2 Configuration config2 new Configuration config2.locale locale2 getBaseContext .getResources .updateConfiguration.. public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case 201 Locale locale new Locale nl Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale locale getBaseContext .getResources .updateConfiguration config.. Toast.makeText this Locale in Nederlands Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break case 202 Locale locale2 new Locale fr Locale.setDefault locale2 Configuration config2 new Configuration config2.locale locale2 getBaseContext .getResources .updateConfiguration..

Custom Multi Language support


basic Locale.Lets say public static void setDefaultLocale Context context String locale Locale locJa new Locale locale Locale.setDefault locJa Configuration config new Configuration config.locale locJa context.getResources .updateConfiguration config context.getResources..

Set Locale programatically


android locale user defined share improve this question Hope this help in onResume Locale locale new Locale ru Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale locale getBaseContext .getResources .updateConfiguration config..

Change Android KeyBoard language


I have set below code to set language. I set different language from Settings and trying to set English language. Locale.setDefault Locale.ENGLISH Configuration config getResources .getConfiguration config.locale Locale.ENGLISH getBaseContext .getResources..

How can I change language of my application?


context if systemLocale null systemLocale.equals locale Log.d TAG Already correct language set return Locale.setDefault locale android.content.res.Configuration config new android.content.res.Configuration config.locale locale context.getResources..

Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language?


share improve this question Use this to change the language by programmatically Locale locale new Locale en_US Locale.setDefault locale Configuration config new Configuration config.locale locale context.getApplicationContext .getResources .updateConfiguration..