

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:18:01

android Programming Glossary: localpath

How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app?


create true exclusive false function fileEntry var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform.. fileEntry var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform Android localPath.indexOf file.. var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform Android localPath.indexOf file 0 localPath..

Is it possible to run a native arm binary on a non-rooted android phone?


so private static void copyFile String assetPath String localPath Context context try InputStream in context.getAssets .open assetPath.. .open assetPath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream localPath int read byte buffer new byte 4096 while read in.read buffer..

MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback


extends AsyncTask String Void Integer String localPath Socket client int cbSkip public StreamToMediaPlayerTask Socket.. ' ' if charPos 1 urlLine urlLine.substring 1 charPos localPath urlLine See if there's a Range header for int i 0 i headerLines.length.. See if there's more to send File file new File localPath fc int cbSentThisBatch 0 if file.exists FileInputStream..

How to open downloaded file (pdf,zip,docx, etc) in Phonegap app?


0 function fileSystem fileSystem.root.getFile localFileName create true exclusive false function fileEntry var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform Android localPath.indexOf file 0 localPath localPath.substring.. localFileName create true exclusive false function fileEntry var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform Android localPath.indexOf file 0 localPath localPath.substring 7 console.log localPath2.. localFileName create true exclusive false function fileEntry var localPath fileEntry.fullPath console.log localPath1 localPath if device.platform Android localPath.indexOf file 0 localPath localPath.substring 7 console.log localPath2 save localPath..

Is it possible to run a native arm binary on a non-rooted android phone?


data com.yourdomain.yourapp nativeFolder You can do this like so private static void copyFile String assetPath String localPath Context context try InputStream in context.getAssets .open assetPath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream localPath.. Context context try InputStream in context.getAssets .open assetPath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream localPath int read byte buffer new byte 4096 while read in.read buffer 0 out.write buffer 0 read out.close in.close catch IOException..

MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback


Proxy interrupted. Shutting down. private class StreamToMediaPlayerTask extends AsyncTask String Void Integer String localPath Socket client int cbSkip public StreamToMediaPlayerTask Socket client this.client client public boolean processRequest.. false urlLine urlLine.substring 4 int charPos urlLine.indexOf ' ' if charPos 1 urlLine urlLine.substring 1 charPos localPath urlLine See if there's a Range header for int i 0 i headerLines.length i String headerLine headerLines i if headerLine.startsWith.. as there's stuff to send while isRunning cbToSend 0 client.isClosed See if there's more to send File file new File localPath fc int cbSentThisBatch 0 if file.exists FileInputStream input new FileInputStream file input.skip cbSkip int cbToSendThisBatch..