

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:46

android Programming Glossary: translateanimation

Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean)


How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


import android.view.Window import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener.. parm animation for smooth slide out TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500.. animation for smooth slide out TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500 if animate content.startAnimation..

Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down)


800 set.addAnimation animation animation new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f.. in the other side I need to change a little bit the TranslateAnimation SO my question is there a way to detect if I scroll upwards..

How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android?


import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView.. toXDelta Animation parameters Animation mAnimation new TranslateAnimation screenWidth toXDelta 0 0 mAnimation.setDuration 15000 mAnimation.setRepeatMode..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


as.setInterpolator i layer0.startLayerAnimation as a new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 100 a.setDuration 3000 i new Interpolator @Override ..

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation


TranslateAnimation resets after animation I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer.. is flickering at the end. To further explain I got an TranslateAnimation then after this animation it returns back to the original position..

Developing an Android Homescreen


float param Animation inFromRight new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT param Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.. outToLeftAnimation float param Animation outtoLeft new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.. inFromLeftAnimation float param Animation inFromLeft new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT param Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT..

EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling…?


animation is below public void animateEditor slider new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 180 slider.setDuration 1250 slider.setFillAfter true notes_list.startAnimation..

Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger


Android animate drop down/up view proper


100 set.addAnimation animation animation new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f..

Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean)


How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application


import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.Window import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation import android.widget.AdapterView import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener import android.widget.ArrayAdapter.. parm.setMargins menuSize 0 menuSize 0 content.setLayoutParams parm animation for smooth slide out TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500 if animate content.startAnimation ta parent FrameLayout content.getParent.. menuSize 0 menuSize 0 content.setLayoutParams parm animation for smooth slide out TranslateAnimation ta new TranslateAnimation menuSize 0 0 0 ta.setDuration 500 if animate content.startAnimation ta parent FrameLayout content.getParent LayoutInflater..

Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down)


Animation animation new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f animation.setDuration 800 set.addAnimation animation animation new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 1.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF.. top to bottom of the list I I want to make it work when scrolling in the other side I need to change a little bit the TranslateAnimation SO my question is there a way to detect if I scroll upwards on downwards in my Adapter Thanks android listview animation..

How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android?


android.view.Menu import android.view.View import android.view.animation.Animation import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation import android.widget.LinearLayout import android.widget.TextView public class MainActivity extends Activity @Override protected.. 0 screenWidth 300 else toXDelta 0 screenWidth toXDelta 300 toXDelta Animation parameters Animation mAnimation new TranslateAnimation screenWidth toXDelta 0 0 mAnimation.setDuration 15000 mAnimation.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART mAnimation.setRepeatCount..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


float input return float Math.sin input Math.PI as.setInterpolator i layer0.startLayerAnimation as a new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 100 a.setDuration 3000 i new Interpolator @Override public float getInterpolation float input float output float..

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation


TranslateAnimation resets after animation I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer but with most customization basically the thing is working.. customization basically the thing is working but the animation is flickering at the end. To further explain I got an TranslateAnimation then after this animation it returns back to the original position if i set setFillAfter then the buttons inside the layout..

Developing an Android Homescreen


static class AnimationHelper public static Animation inFromRightAnimation float param Animation inFromRight new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT param Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.. return inFromRight public static Animation outToLeftAnimation float param Animation outtoLeft new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT param Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT.. outtoLeft for the next movement public static Animation inFromLeftAnimation float param Animation inFromLeft new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT param Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT..

EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling…?


edit text showing this abnormal behavior. the code used for animation is below public void animateEditor slider new TranslateAnimation 0 0 0 180 slider.setDuration 1250 slider.setFillAfter true notes_list.startAnimation slider notes_editor.startAnimation..

Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger


Android animate drop down/up view proper


Animation animation new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f animation.setDuration 100 set.addAnimation animation animation new TranslateAnimation Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 0.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF 1.0f Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF..