

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:46

android Programming Glossary: trap

moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes


factory method I use newLatLngZoom method then the same trap does not occur. Is the onResume the best place to draw the markers..

Android Maven Could not find tool 'aapt'


tools android 4.2.2 Does anybody know how to workout this trap thanks android eclipse maven share improve this question.. latest ADT from google and trying to compile the bootstrap android platform. The latest r17 build separate out aapt to..

Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone?


be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later . You'll trap the Broadcast with a BroadcastReceiver . It will look something..

How to control Activity flow - Back button versus Home button


out how to handle both cases if it's even possible. Can I trap the Back button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2.. at the top of the stack. In Activity3 I added an onKeyDown trap for the Back key. Since Activity2 was killed when it went onPause..

How to change a TextView's style at runtime


#000044 color Then in my code I created a ClickListener to trap the tap event on that TextView myTextView.setOnClickListener..

Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate]


UI components mGallery Gallery findViewById R.id.mygallery trap selection events from gallery mGallery.setOnItemSelectedListener.. from gallery mGallery.setOnItemSelectedListener this trap only selection when no flinging is taking place mGallery.setCallbackDuringFling..

How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android?


care You're basically falling into the browser detection trap that a lot of people fell into in the late 90's early 00's...

Android http connection exception


In Honeycomb they've gone and put in a trap to catch people trying to do potentially time consuming network..

moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes


ActivityThread.java 2732 If instead of the newLatLngBounds factory method I use newLatLngZoom method then the same trap does not occur. Is the onResume the best place to draw the markers onto the GoogleMap object or should I be drawing the..

Android Maven Could not find tool 'aapt'


tools ANDROID_HOME platforms M2_HOME bin ANDROID_HOME build tools android 4.2.2 Does anybody know how to workout this trap thanks android eclipse maven share improve this question I also encountered the same problem when using latest ADT.. this question I also encountered the same problem when using latest ADT from google and trying to compile the bootstrap android platform. The latest r17 build separate out aapt to build tools folder. Hence it is maven android plugin cannot..

Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone?


Intent was introduced in API Level 4 in other words it'll only be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later . You'll trap the Broadcast with a BroadcastReceiver . It will look something like this public class ShutdownReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver..

How to control Activity flow - Back button versus Home button


figured out how to do one or the other but I can't figure out how to handle both cases if it's even possible. Can I trap the Back button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2 telling it not to finish It seems like the Activities.. if the user returns to the app they will get Activity1 now at the top of the stack. In Activity3 I added an onKeyDown trap for the Back key. Since Activity2 was killed when it went onPause we have to fire off a new Activity2 from Activity3. After..

How to change a TextView's style at runtime


#000088 color color name normalTextViewColor #000044 color Then in my code I created a ClickListener to trap the tap event on that TextView myTextView.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view highlight..

Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate]


setContentView R.layout.myxmllayout get references to UI components mGallery Gallery findViewById R.id.mygallery trap selection events from gallery mGallery.setOnItemSelectedListener this trap only selection when no flinging is taking place.. Gallery findViewById R.id.mygallery trap selection events from gallery mGallery.setOnItemSelectedListener this trap only selection when no flinging is taking place mGallery.setCallbackDuringFling false do other stuff like load images setAdapter..

How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android?


this question I think the better question is Why do you care You're basically falling into the browser detection trap that a lot of people fell into in the late 90's early 00's. Since then though we've learned that it's feature detection..

Android http connection exception


share improve this question Caused by android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException In Honeycomb they've gone and put in a trap to catch people trying to do potentially time consuming network operations on the main thread. From http developer.android.com..