

c# Programming Glossary: acceptcallback

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


running _serverSocket.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback acceptCallback _serverSocket catch Exception e throw new ApplicationException.. sake. The _serverSocket.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback acceptCallback _serverSocket above essentially sets our server socket to call.. above essentially sets our server socket to call the acceptCallback method whenever a user connects. This method runs from the .Net..

Socket buffers the data it receives


is just not invoked more than once every 20 seconds. In AcceptCallback it establishes the connection and call BeginReceive handler.BeginReceive..

Asynchronous server socket multiple clients


that port number listener.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback AcceptCallback listener This line tells the listener to invoke the AcceptCallback.. listener This line tells the listener to invoke the AcceptCallback method whenever a new client is connected new connection callback.. Creating dedicated handler sockets That is also why AcceptCallback must immediately create a dedicated handler socket with its..

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket


method static Socket handler null public static void AcceptCallback IAsyncResult ar Accept incoming connection Socket listener Socket..