

c# Programming Glossary: accountnumber

?œDo not use Abstract Base class in Design; but in Modeling/Analysis??/a>


How to write functionality using DDD / CQRS


public private IAccount acc public AccountManipulator int accountNumber acc AccountFactory.GetAccount accountNumber public void FreezeAccount.. int accountNumber acc AccountFactory.GetAccount accountNumber public void FreezeAccount acc.Freeze public interface IAccount.. class AccountFactory public static IAccount GetAccount int accountNumber return new SavingsAccount accountNumber public class SavingsAccount..

Fluent interfaces and inheritance in C#


public FluentCustomer WithAccountNumber string accountNumber _AccountNumber accountNumber return this public FluentCustomer.. WithAccountNumber string accountNumber _AccountNumber accountNumber return this public FluentCustomer WithId long id _Id id return.. public FluentCustomer WithAccountNumber string accountNumber ... return this And now var customer new FluentCustomer .WithAccountNumber..

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`


code public string GetCustomerNumber Guid id string accountNumber string DBSqlHelperFactory.ExecuteScalar connectionStringSplendidmyApp.. GetCustomerNumber new SqlParameter @id id return accountNumber.ToString I replaced with public string GetCustomerNumber Guid.. with public string GetCustomerNumber Guid id object accountNumber object DBSqlHelperFactory.ExecuteScalar connectionStringSplendidCRM..