

c# Programming Glossary: acl

C# - Windows ACL - Applying Inherited Permissions


Windows ACL Applying Inherited Permissions I've been having problems programatically..

Named Pipe Server throws UnauthorizedAccessException when creating a seccond instance if PipeSecurity is set


Taking ownership of files with 'broken' permissions


else a non privileged user for example The directory DACL is configured to permit access to a specific group of people.. that does not include the system or Administrators The DACL on the directory actually grants no one access to either take.. no one access to either take ownership or change the DACL or in short the all administrators have been locked out of the..

How do I programmatically change the security attributes of a file so that any user can delete the file


use the System.IO.File.SetAccessControl method to add an ACL that gives the built in Everyone group the ability to delete..

WCF ServiceHost access rights


Run command prompt as an administrator. Add the URL to the ACL netsh http add urlacl url http 8000 ServiceModelSamples Service..

Listing users with access to NetFrameworkConfigurationKey ACL


users with access to NetFrameworkConfigurationKey ACL I have added some users to the Access Control List ACL for.. ACL I have added some users to the Access Control List ACL for the RSA Key Container using strong aspnet_regiis pa NetFrameworkConfigurationKey..