

c# Programming Glossary: activate

IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication in C#?


ACTIVATEOPTIONS IApplicationActivationManger is used to activate an immersive application identified by its Application User.. flags set DesignMode 0x00000001 The application is being activated for design mode and thus will not be able to to create an immersive.. The splash screen normally shown when an application is activated will also not appear. Most activations will not use this flag...

How do I use a Service Account to Access the Google Analytics API V3 with .NET C#?


enable communication with localhost should generally not activate in production add name localhost whitelistHosts untrustedWebRequest..

send html email via C# ASP.NET


put html formatting in my emails p Welcome to SiteName. To activate your account visit this url a href http SiteName.com a key 1234..

Controling Volume Mixer


EDataFlow.eRender ERole.eMultimedia out speakers activate the session manager. we need the enumerator Guid IID_IAudioSessionManager2.. EDataFlow.eRender ERole.eMultimedia out speakers activate the session manager. we need the enumerator Guid IID_IAudioSessionManager2..

Receiving MSMQ messages with Windows Service


You don't listen. You configure MSMQ Activation to activate your component when messages arrive. The link has all the details..

Send message to a Windows process (not its main window)


a process with the same name already running and if so activates the running app's window and then exits. The problem is that.. else Yes...Bring existing instance to top and activate it. PostMessage IntPtr HWND_BROADCAST WM_MY_MSG new IntPtr..

Cannot get regular expression work correctly with multiline


... When using the regex classes of the .NET framework you activate this mode by specifying RegexOptions.Singleline such as in Regex.Match..

What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#?


of two states signaled and un signaled that can be used to activate and suspend threads. Mutex Semaphores are OS level concepts...

Disable the 'requirement' to double click an unfocused window when clicking on a menustrip


it so that you don't have to 'double click' the window to activate an item in a menustrip when the window is unfocused Currently..

Mirroring console output to a file


in the application configuration making it possible to activate or deactivate the logging without touching the build. share.. configuration making it possible to activate or deactivate the logging without touching the build. share improve this..

WP7 Pivot control and a WebBrowser control


control allow for the user to swipe left right to activate the Pivot control. Currently it just pans the WebBrowser control..

How to Identify where Instances of an object are Still Referenced?


could be a struct but I preferred to make it a class to activate GC on it . These instances are created by reading very large..

Hide another app's taskbar button


taskbar. From an application you can now add remove and activate taskbar buttons. Activating the item does not activate the window.. and activate taskbar buttons. Activating the item does not activate the window it shows the item as pressed on the taskbar. The..

How can I send the F4 key to a process in C#?


To send the F4 key to another process you will have to activate that process http bytes.com groups net c 230693 activate other.. activate that process http bytes.com groups net c 230693 activate other process suggests Get Process class instance returned by..

Activate existing browser window with given URL from C# application (without triggering reload)


without triggering reload From a C# application I want to activate brint to front a site that is already open in the users default..

Controling Volume Mixer


typeof IAudioSessionManager2 .GUID object o speakers.Activate ref IID_IAudioSessionManager2 0 IntPtr.Zero out o IAudioSessionManager2.. typeof IAudioSessionManager2 .GUID object o speakers.Activate ref IID_IAudioSessionManager2 0 IntPtr.Zero out o IAudioSessionManager2.. internal interface IMMDevice PreserveSig int Activate ref Guid iid int dwClsCtx IntPtr pActivationParams MarshalAs..

Send message to a Windows process (not its main window)


TopMost true TopMost temp Set focus to the window. Activate else base.WndProc ref m I hope I've transcribed this correctly...

Keep window on top and steal focus in WinForms


after I click the script to run it. I've tried using Activate BringToFront Focus as well as some Win32 calls like SetForegroundWindow..

How to paste text using windows paste command to other application in c#?


Get the Notepad Handle IntPtr hWnd process.Handle Activate the Notepad Window BringWindowToTop hWnd Use SendKeys to Paste.. Get the process handle Bring the process into focus Activate it Find the handle of the field you wish to paste into Set focus..

C# Force Form Focus


msgFrm.BringToFront msgFrm.TopMost true msgFrm.Activate SystemParametersInfo uint 0x2001 0 0 0x0002 0x0001 ShowWindowAsync.. private static extern int SetForegroundWindow IntPtr hwnd Activate or minimize a window DllImportAttribute User32.DLL private static.. SW_MINIMIZE 6 private const int SW_RESTORE 9 private void ActivateApplication string briefAppName Process procList Process.GetProcessesByName..

WPF MessageBox window style


the following code in it right after the trustInfo Tag Activate Windows Common Controls v6 usage XP and Vista dependency dependentAssembly..

Activate existing browser window with given URL from C# application (without triggering reload)


existing browser window with given URL from C# application without..