

c# Programming Glossary: activexobject

Create COM/ActiveXObject in C#, use from JScript, with simple event


COM ActiveXObject in C# use from JScript with simple event I'd like to create.. to attach event handlers like this var xmlhttp new ActiveXObject MSXML.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onReadyStateChange function ... I want.. side JScript code to look like this var myObject new ActiveXObject MyObject.ProgId myObject.onMyCustomEvent function ..args here....

CORS Support within WCF REST Services


returnObject new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject returnObject new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else msg Your.. else if window.ActiveXObject returnObject new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else msg Your browser doesn't support AJAX..

How to create, save a txt file with javascript compatible cross-browser


the web. So the server can't access a client folder. new ActiveXObject Scripting.FileSystemObject is ONLY for IE and even in the IE..