

c# Programming Glossary: accumulator

Does this code really cause an “access to modified closure” problem?


method that will accumulate until some condition on the accumulator is true public static IEnumerable T TakeWhileAccumulator T TAccumulate.. T elements TAccumulate seed Func TAccumulate T TAccumulate accumulator Func TAccumulate bool predicate TAccumulate accumulate seed.. elements if predicate accumulate yield break accumulate accumulator accumulate element yield return element Usage var eligibleVoters..

C# PredicateBuilder Entities: The parameter 'f' was not bound in the specified LINQ to Entities query expression


options.Aggregate PredicateBuilder.False Submission accumulator optionIds accumulator.Or ConstructOptionMatchPredicate optionIds.. PredicateBuilder.False Submission accumulator optionIds accumulator.Or ConstructOptionMatchPredicate optionIds .Expand query query.Where..

Why is Enumerable.Range faster than a direct yield loop?


args for loop Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew int accumulator 0 for int i 1 i 100000000 i accumulator i sw.Stop Console.WriteLine.. int accumulator 0 for int i 1 i 100000000 i accumulator i sw.Stop Console.WriteLine time 0 result 1 sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.. Console.WriteLine time 0 result 1 sw.ElapsedMilliseconds accumulator Enumerable.Range Stopwatch sw Stopwatch.StartNew var ret..

Response is not available in this context


IEnumerable`1 source TResult startValue Accumulator`2 accumulator 393 SolrNet.Impl.SolrConnection.Get String relativeUrl IEnumerable`1..

C# vs C - Big performance difference [closed]


You could try to accumulate the square root values into an accumulator print it out at the end of the method and see what's going on...