

c# Programming Glossary: addnumbers

Really impossible to use return type overloading?


I made a small DLL in MSIL with two methods float AddNumbers int int int AddNumbers int int As some of you might know MSIL.. DLL in MSIL with two methods float AddNumbers int int int AddNumbers int int As some of you might know MSIL allows you to make methods.. kinda expecting it fired an error float f ILasm1.MainClass.AddNumbers 1 2 The error is The call is ambiguous between the following..

How can I add a reference to a C-based DLL in my C# application?


into a DLL using C extern C __declspec dllexport void AddNumbers int a int b int result result a b Now assuming that you compiled.. CallingConvention.Cdecl private static extern void AddNumbers int a int b out int result public int AddNumbers_Wrapper int.. void AddNumbers int a int b out int result public int AddNumbers_Wrapper int a int b int result AddNumbers a b out result return..