

c# Programming Glossary: addressof

Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'?


New TraditionalSubscriber AddHandler publisher.SomeEvent AddressOf strongTypedSubscriber.SomeEventHandler AddHandler publisher.SomeEvent.. AddHandler publisher.SomeEvent AddressOf traditionalSubscriber.SomeEventHandler publisher.OnSomeEvent..

How do I send/receive windows messages between VB6 and c#?


ByVal hWnd As Long procOld SetWindowLong hWnd GWL_WNDPROC AddressOf SubWndProc End Sub Public Sub UnsubclassWindow ByVal hWnd As..

Should I learn VB.NET or C#? [closed]


0 10 Dim x items.Select Function x x 2 Dim y items.Where AddressOf Number.IsOdd . FAIL I ™m sorry to say it but everything in VB.. not good enough for me . For the technically interested AddressOf is required because otherwise there would be an ambiguity since.. on parameterless function calls and method calls. However AddressOf is simply inadequate of we were to treat functions as first..

Best way to print from c# / .net?


MyMethod Dim x as New PrintDocument AddHandler x.PrintPage AddressOf printDoc_PrintPage x.Print End Sub Sub printDoc_PrintPage sender..

Trying to use the C# SpellCheck class


New TextBox MyBase.Child box AddHandler box.TextChanged AddressOf box_TextChanged box.SpellCheck.IsEnabled True box.VerticalScrollBarVisibility..

Show Validation Error in UserControl


GetType XDateTimePicker New PropertyMetadata Nothing AddressOf ValuePropertyChangedCallback Public Shared Sub ValuePropertyChangedCallback..

Attaching to a child process automatically in Visual Studio during Debugging


trd As System.Threading.Thread New System.Threading.Thread AddressOf AttachToEhExtHost trd.Start End Sub Public Sub AttachToEhExtHost..

I need help converting a c# anonymous method to vb.net


anonymous helper method. Like this AddHandler obj.example AddressOf helper ... Sub helper ByVal sender As Object ByVal e As EventArgs..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


DirectCast i INotifyPropertyChanged .PropertyChanged AddressOf Item_PropertyChanged Next End If MyBase.OnCollectionChanged..

How do I create a delegate for a .NET property?


Test As String And instantiating like this Dim t As Test AddressOf e.PropertyName But this throws the error Method 'Public Overridable.. share improve this question Re the problem using AddressOf if you know the prop name at compile time you can in C# at least..

How to use use late binding to get excel instance?


it has class name EXCEL7 Dim cb As New EnumChildCallback AddressOf EnumChildProc EnumChildWindows hwnd cb hwndChild If hwndChild..