

c# Programming Glossary: addrange

MVVM Sync Collections


this by Extending the ObservableCollection to have an AddRange RemoveRange BinaryInsert methods and adding events that notify..

How to handle add to list event?


added... Be aware that you should also re implement AddRange declare your own event type if you want to know what has been..

How to Avoid Firing ObservableCollection.CollectionChanged Multiple Times When Replacing All Elements Or Adding a Collection of Elements


public SmartCollection List T list base list public void AddRange IEnumerable T range foreach var item in range Items.Add item..

Best algorithm for synchronizing two IList in C# 2.0


L2 to be a complete copy of L1... clear L2 and just call AddRange Or is the point that you also want to take other actions while..

Create combined DataTable from two DataTables joined with LINQ. C#


dc.Expression dc.ColumnMapping targetTable.Columns.AddRange dt2Columns.ToArray var rowData from row1 in dataTable1.AsEnumerable.. to make this look nicer public static void AddRange this DataRowCollection rc IEnumerable object tuples foreach.. in the first method and replace it with targetTable.Rows.AddRange rowData Although that's really just moving the verbosity not..

Why is it considered bad to expose List<T>?


all of List T 's methods with the exception of things like AddRange and it doesn't constrain you to the specific List T type which..

Linq order by, group by and order by each group?


query and add the results to a different list using AddRange. Is there a prettier way to do that c# linq group by sql order..

How can I dynamically change auto complete entries in a C# combobox or textbox?


this.ComboQuery.AutoCompleteCustomSource.AddRange suggestions However this does not work properly. It seems that.. then the auto complete works but it seems that then the AddRange call has no effect because the new suggestions that I add do..

Binding hierarchical xml to treeview


TreeNode root.Name.LocalName root .ToArray treeView1.Nodes.AddRange x private IEnumerable TreeNode GetNodes TreeNode node XElement.. node XElement element return element.HasElements node.AddRange from item in element.Elements let tree new TreeNode item.Name.LocalName.. static class TreeNodeEx public static IEnumerable TreeNode AddRange this TreeNode collection IEnumerable TreeNode nodes var items..

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


Doesn't support AddRange method so I get notified for each item added besides what about.. of the ObservableCollection Of T . ''' summary Public Sub AddRange ByVal collection As IEnumerable Of T For Each i In collection.. end of the ObservableCollection Of T . summary public void AddRange IEnumerable T collection if collection null throw new ArgumentNullException..

Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable


childRows Add all childnodes to this node. node.Nodes.AddRange childNodes Mark this noteID as dirty already added . doneNotes.Add.. node creation. This isn't really needed since we're using AddRange but it's good practice . treeView1.BeginUpdate treeView1.Nodes.Clear.. TreeNode nodes RecurseRows rows treeView1.Nodes.AddRange nodes Notify the TreeView to resume painting. treeView1.EndUpdate..

How to speed adding items to a ListView?


bottleneck is adding the items. Let's try converting it to AddRange rather than a foreach Attempt 4 2 182 ms listView.BeginUpdate.. Attempt 4 2 182 ms listView.BeginUpdate listView.Items.AddRange items.ToArray listView.EndUpdate A bit better. Let's be sure.. stopwatch.Start listView.BeginUpdate listView.Items.AddRange arr listView.EndUpdate stopwatch.Stop The limitation seems to..

How to create a List<T> from a comma separated string?


already have the list object omit the ToList call and use AddRange myList.AddRange ids.Split ' ' .Select i int.Parse i If some.. list object omit the ToList call and use AddRange myList.AddRange ids.Split ' ' .Select i int.Parse i If some entries in the string..