

c# Programming Glossary: adds

Getting ServiceStack to retain type information


into DTOs. But across process boundaries interfaces only adds coupling it's only reduced in code since the consumer has no..

How does the C# compiler detect COM types?


non ref arguments for ref parameters and the compiler just adds a local variable to pass by reference discarding the results..

Is shifting bits faster than multiplying and dividing in Java? .NET?


or divide can be decomposed to a series of shifts and adds and if that series of operations will be faster than the maultiply..

Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace


void Bar double d Math.PI Now imagine that someone adds another file File2.cs to the project that looks like this File2.cs..

What is the worst gotcha in C# or .NET?


WTF The intellisense documentation for AddDays says it adds a day to the date which it doesn't it actually returns a date..

how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET?


it will actually hurt not help your performance it adds cost in terms of more code that must be maintained and it can..

What are the differences between delegates and events?


share improve this question An Event declaration adds a layer of abstraction and protection on the delegate instance...

Units of measure in C# - almost


is possible to do dimensional analysis at runtime but it adds overhead and doesn't give you the benefit of compile time checking...

Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional?


a more compelling feature in the future. the feature adds no new ambiguities to the lexical grammatical or semantic analysis.. in the future. All for what A tiny customer benefit that adds no new representational power to the language but does add crazy..

Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings


plus whatever fixed overheads both space and CPU that WCF adds however results first BinaryFormatter Length 1314 Serialize..

ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid


It probably generates the quotes and then the jqGrid adds a second set. But I'm not 100 on that. What is the best way..

Reading PSD file format


if this is even possible. I have an application that adds a context menu when you right click a file. It all works fine..

When is optimization premature? [closed]


critical. Which means if you're writing a program that adds up 500 numbers in a file the word optimization shouldn't even..

Does Entity Framework 4 Code First have support for identity generators like NHibernate?


But what I'd like to know is if the code first CTP adds support for identity generation strategies. If not does anyone..

Fast and compact object serialization in .NET


games. What technique should I use The BinaryFormatter adds a lot of overhead to serialized classes Version culture class..

How do I display a popup from a WebBrowser in another window I created?


Browse tab and select c windows system32 shdocvw.dll. That adds a reference to the native COM interface. Create a form that..

MySQL Entity Framework Error - The specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration, or is not valid


provider in your configuration file because installation adds it to machine.config and if you didn't install it the provider..

jQuery Ajax calls to web service seem to be synchronous


to be returned in the method GetMessages . So UploadUsers adds messages to the Session and GetMessages retrieves the messages.. true public string UploadUsers This function adds a user and calls SaveMessageToQueue for every user. I see the..

How do I ZIP a file in C#, using no 3rd-party APIs?


because the client side code can't open it ZipPackage adds a hidden file describing the content type of each component..

.Net Data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary — Speed, memory, and when to use each?


and retriv. speed. ArrayList automatically growing array. Adds more overhead. Can enum. probably slower than a normal array..

How can I modify a queue collection in a loop?


returnValue base.Dequeue return returnValue summary Adds an object to the end of the see cref ThreadSafeQueue T summary..

How to create XmlElement attributes with prefix?


XmlDocument.CreateAttribute overload will do it for you Adds the declaration to your root node var attribute xmlDocToRef.CreateAttribute..

Visual Studio C# statement collapsing


this question Try C# outline plugin @MSDN VS 2010 only Adds all braces outlining for C# editor not only class and its members..

Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time?


UnityDefaultBehaviorExtension summary Adds this extension's behavior to the container. summary protected..

Define a generic that implements the + operator [duplicate]


of functions public interface IFoo InputType OutputType Adds A to B and returns a value of type OutputType OutputType Add..

What's your favorite LINQ to Objects operator which is not built-in?


share improve this question Append Prepend summary Adds a single element to the end of an IEnumerable. summary typeparam.. source return concatIterator element source false summary Adds a single element to the start of an IEnumerable. summary typeparam..

multimap in .NET


class. summary public MultiValueDictionary base summary Adds the specified value under the specified key summary param name..

Free compression library for C# which supports 7zip (LZMA) [closed]


to enable high compression of in memory objects with C#. Adds a new 7Zip format LZMA Cookie Compression class to the previously..

parse and execute JS by C#


index IntPtr.Zero ref value 0 summary Adds the name of a root level item to the scripting engine's name..

C#: How to make a form remember its Bounds and WindowState (Taking dual monitor setups into account)


in database summary public void Save See Note 2 summary Adds the given paramref key value to the collection of values that..

empty path name not legal


DialogSave.Filter XML file .xml .xml All files . . Adds a extension if the user does not DialogSave.AddExtension true..

WPF - Auto Line Number for FlowDocument?


the current position CurX MarginX CurY MarginY summary Adds a new element at the current position and updates the current.. grid.Children.Add tb AddUIElement grid flags summary Adds a current style TextBox element at the current position summary..

Encoding XPath Expressions with both single and double quotes


for my needs . Doesn't encode where both and ' are present Adds more arguments to the Concat operation than is necessary e.g...

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?


Of T ''' summary ''' Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the ObservableCollection.. ObservableRangeCollection T ObservableCollection T summary Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the ObservableCollection.. Of T MyBase.New collection End Sub ''' summary ''' Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the ObservableCollection..