

c# Programming Glossary: drageventargs

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application


false void pictureBox_DragEnter object sender DragEventArgs dea if dea.KeyState 32 32 ALT is pressed dea.Effect DragDropEffects.Link.. void pictureBox_DragDrop object sender DragEventArgs dea if IDataObject dea.Data .GetDataPresent DataFormats.Bitmap..

How could I Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other?


private void dataGridView1_DragOver object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effect DragDropEffects.Move private void dataGridView1_DragDrop.. private void dataGridView1_DragDrop object sender DragEventArgs e The mouse locations are relative to the screen so they must..

.NET: is there a Click-and-drag “Desktop-Like” control?


true protected override void OnDragEnter DragEventArgs e if e.Data.GetData typeof ListViewItem null e.Effect DragDropEffects.Move.. protected override void OnItemDrag ItemDragEventArgs e Start dragging ListViewItem item e.Item as ListViewItem mItemStartPos.. DragDropEffects.Move protected override void OnDragOver DragEventArgs e Move icon ListViewItem item e.Data.GetData typeof ListViewItem..

WPF C#: Rearrange items in listbox via drag and drop


true void listbox1_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e Emp droppedData e.Data.GetData typeof Emp as Emp Emp target..

How to get mouse position over a certain control


Form I'm using the DragOver event on a layoutpanel and the DragEventArgs returns the X Y coordinates of the mouse in relation to the..

C# Drag & drop from listbox to treeview


node private void treeView1_DragDrop object sender DragEventArgs e TreeNode nodeToDropIn this.treeView1.GetNodeAt this.treeView1.PointToClient.. data private void listBox1_DragOver object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effect DragDropEffects.Move private void treeView1_DragEnter.. private void treeView1_DragEnter object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effect DragDropEffects.Move private void listBox1_MouseDown..

Drag and drop files into WPF


or the control private void ImagePanel_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e what next dont know how to get the image object can I get.. you want to do. private void ImagePanel_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e if e.Data.GetDataPresent DataFormats.FileDrop Note that you..

How do I drag and drop files into a C# application?


Form1_DragDrop void Form1_DragEnter object sender DragEventArgs e if e.Data.GetDataPresent DataFormats.FileDrop e.Effect DragDropEffects.Copy.. DragDropEffects.Copy void Form1_DragDrop object sender DragEventArgs e string files string e.Data.GetData DataFormats.FileDrop foreach..

Get body from Outlook email [Drag?™n?™Drop]


code behind private void email_DragEnter object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effects DragDropEffects.Copy private void email_Drop object.. DragDropEffects.Copy private void email_Drop object sender DragEventArgs e Outlook.ApplicationClass oApp new Outlook.ApplicationClass.. _Outlook null private void Form1_DragEnter object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effect DragDropEffects.Copy private void Form1_DragDrop..

Reorder a winforms listbox using drag and drop?


private void listBox1_DragOver object sender DragEventArgs e e.Effect DragDropEffects.Move private void listBox1_DragDrop.. private void listBox1_DragDrop object sender DragEventArgs e Point point listBox1.PointToClient new Point e.X e.Y int..