

c# Programming Glossary: drastically

How can I make a WPF combo box have the width of its widest element in XAML?


control Alan Hunford's answer Changing the ControlTemplate drastically. Even in this case a hidden version of an ItemsPresenter may..

Why are the properties of anonymous types in C# read-only?


There are a lot of benefits of immutabilty in that it drastically simplifies the code that uses the object since they can only..

Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed]


match. Or in my code how long int.ToString takes. This drastically reduces the signal to noise ratio. Edit As sixlettervariables..

Dns.BeginGetHost… methods blocking


I'm seeing the number of ThreadPool threads increase drastically in response to my requests. If I force the ThreadPool minThreads..

How to protect .Net exe from Decompiling/Cracking


obfuscated code. There is not much you can do unless you drastically re write the software so they have to start from scratch. A..

C# Conditional Compilation and framework targets


minor places where code for my project may be able to be drastically improved if the target framework were a newer version. I'd like..

StringBuilder for string concatenation throws OutOfMemoryException


whether any one faced this problem or there was something drastically wrong with the code. c# out of memory stringbuilder share..

How can I dynamically change auto complete entries in a C# combobox or textbox?


N chars 3 in my case . This worked because complexity was drastically reduced. The number of records that are fetched from the database..

Are floating-point numbers consistent in C#? Can they be?


in one floating point calculation can lead to a drastically different game state on different machines or even on the same..

What is the purpose of a stack? Why do we need it? (MSIL)


UPDATE Some additional thoughts Incidentally this idea of drastically lowering costs by 1 specifing a virtual machine 2 writing compilers..

Using C#/WIA version 2.0 on Vista to Scan


just changing the namespace import but clearly the API is drastically different. Is there any information on either implementing v2.0..