

c# Programming Glossary: drawn

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


a node is clicked not just selected... The highlight gets drawn over by my rectangle once the mouse button is released but does.. rectangle once the mouse button is released but does get drawn and blinks...it's annoying. Apparently I forgot to actually.. without completely handling the drawing c# treeview ownerdrawn share improve this question In my experience you usually..

c# and excel automation - ending the running instance


by the just use GC.Collect argument. However I was mainly drawn to that on a false premise it looked at first glance like there..

Drawing a transparent button


user hovers over the button then a button type shape is drawn. Any ideas EDIT Thanks everybody the following worked for me..

Setting Canvas properties in an ItemsControl DataTemplate


it's not working as expected. All my node elements are drawn on top of each other in the same position. Any suggestions on..

How to find the minimum covariant type for best fit between two types?


such as IList int implements ICollection int are not drawn with lines in this diagram but we should keep the fact in mind...

Run multiple UI Threads


Form as it has to bind to a WinForms object that can be drawn. Because all the WinForms are running in the same thread I can..

How to add an extra button to the window's title bar?


The minimize maximize and close buttons will still be drawn and will work. What you will not be able to do is drag or resize..

git mv and only change case of directory


git add A git commit amend m renamed foo to FOO That's the drawn out way of changing the working directory committing and then..

Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#?


a custom page handler that returns a PNG with the text drawn vertically. Here's my basic code C#3 but small changes to any..

Generating Permutations using LINQ


the desired output nondecreasing sequences of length 4 drawn from 0 through 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0.. starting with 0 followed by sequences of length 2 drawn from 0 to 2. all sequences starting with 1 followed by sequences.. starting with 1 followed by sequences of length 2 drawn from 1 to 2. all sequences starting with 2 followed by sequences..

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes


5 and 6 nodes which like the lines are simply not getting drawn because you aren't drawing them there's a simpler way to do..

Smoothing a hand-drawn curve


a hand drawn curve I've got a program that allows users to draw curves... But these curves don't look nice they look wobbly and hand drawn. So I want an algorithm that will automatically smooth them...

How can I get URLs of open pages from Chrome and Firefox?


opera Safari There is no known method since it uses custom drawn controls Code to get the URL from Firefox Opera using DDE which..

using ITextSharp to extract and update links in an existing PDF


within the document won't get updated. Annotations are drawn on top of text but aren't really tied to the text underneath..