

c# Programming Glossary: drivers

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine


in the 32bit machine. But the same project uses other DB drivers DB2 SQL etc. to connect to other databases. So when i deployed..

Can I simply 'read' a file that is in use?


to gain access to the file. There are commercial software drivers that allow you to access such files even when they are in use... Access Manager FAM by VisionWorks Solutions Inc. These drivers are typically OEM'ed to backup software companies for inclusion..

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


Render PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS


to get report in PDF format there are other pdf printer drivers but this one is free and open source . Also I know HTML is not..

Create an On-screen Keyboard


Hooks won't be called for this input your keyboard input drivers won't see it it won't be recognized by things like DirectInput.....

C# driver development?


I've always felt that C or maybe C was best for developing drivers on Windows. I'm not keen on the idea of developing a driver.. so I'm now wondering Are people are using C# to develop drivers Do you have to do a lot of API hooks or does C# have the facilities.. developing a simple virtual serial port driver c# kernel drivers devices share improve this question You can not make kernel..

Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port


always needs a device driver to become usable. Device drivers are not created equal. Different drivers require different ways.. usable. Device drivers are not created equal. Different drivers require different ways to talk to the device. Usually done through.. so well manufacturers are not very good at writing device drivers that emulate serial ports. The biggest hang up with the API..