

c# Programming Glossary: e.result

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker


skills are revealing your problem to me You are accessing e.Result in your RunWorkerCompleted handler if there's an e.Error you.. if there's an e.Error you must handle it without accessing e.Result. For example the following code is bad bad bad and will throw.. sender e OH NOOOOOOOES Runtime exception you can't access e.Result if there's an error. You can check for errors using e.Error...

Returning a value from thread?


use the BackgroundWorker approach and return the result in e.Result. EDIT This is commonly associated with WinForms and WPF but..

“Dialogs must be user-initiated.” with SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3


true using Stream fs Stream dialog.OpenFile fs.Write e.Result 0 e.Result.Length fs.Close The SaveFileDialog would throw.. Stream fs Stream dialog.OpenFile fs.Write e.Result 0 e.Result.Length fs.Close The SaveFileDialog would throw the error..

Make a BackgroundWorker do several operations sequentially without freezing the form


will be available to the RunWorkerCompleted eventhandler. e.Result SVNcmd svnCommand e.Argument worker e summary Deals with the.. Environment.NewLine Annulé. else textBoxOutput.Text e.Result.ToString summary Updates the progress bar summary private void..

Retrieve XML from https using WebClient/HttpWebRequest - WP7


e if e.Error null resultBlock.Text Using WebClient e.Result else resultBlock.Text e.Error.Message private void Button2_Click.. e if e.Error null XDocument xdoc XDocument.Parse e.Result LoadOptions.None this.textBox1.Text xdoc.FirstNode.ToString..

how to do subquery in LINQ


c c.LastName.Contains TextBoxLastName.Text.Trim e.Result context.Users.Where predicateAnd I'm trying to add a predicate..

Download file and automatically save it to folder


string filepath textBox1.Text File.WriteAllBytes filepath e.Result MessageBox.Show File downloaded share improve this answer..

How do I Async download multiple files using webclient, but one at a time?


e if e.Error null string.IsNullOrEmpty e.Result do something with e.Result string. _results.Add e.Result DownloadItem.. null string.IsNullOrEmpty e.Result do something with e.Result string. _results.Add e.Result DownloadItem Edit I've modified.. e.Result do something with e.Result string. _results.Add e.Result DownloadItem Edit I've modified your code to use a Queue. Not..

How to make BackgroundWorker return an object


has generated its result in your case a List FileInfo set e.Result to that and return. Now that your BackgroundWorker has completed.. bgw_DoWork object sender DoWorkEventArgs e int result 2 2 e.Result result private void bgw_RunWorkerCompleted object sender RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs..

What does Cannot modify the logical children for this node at this time because a tree walk is in progress mean?


result ArticlesPerTimePeriodResult e.Result lvArticles.ItemsSource result.DatesOfArticles Chart1.DataContext.. result ArticlesPerTimePeriodResult e.Result lvArticles.ItemsSource result.DatesOfArticles Dispatcher.BeginInvoke..