

c# Programming Glossary: e.row.attributes

c# gridview row click


database. In my RowCreated event I have the following line e.Row.Attributes.Add onClick ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink this.grdSearchResults.. i have done if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow e.Row.Attributes onClick location.href 'view.aspx id DataBinder.Eval e.Row.DataItem..

How to implement full row selecting in GridView without select button?


Set the hand mouse cursor for the selected row. e.Row.Attributes.Add OnMouseOver this.style.cursor 'hand' The seelctButton exists.. 0 .Text e.Row.Cells 0 .Controls.Add selectButton e.Row.Attributes OnClick Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink selectButton.. e if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow e.Row.Attributes onmouseover this.style.cursor 'pointer' this.style.textDecoration..