

c# Programming Glossary: fi.name

C# Get video file duration from metadata


fi.DirectoryName FolderItem item folder.ParseName fi.Name for int i 0 i 150 i string dtlDesc folder.GetDetailsOf null..

Accessing internal members via System.Reflection?


foreach FieldInfo fi in _fields Console.WriteLine fi.Name This spits out all the private members nicely but still doesn't..

C# getting file names without extensions


.txt foreach FileInfo fi in smFiles builder.Append fi.Name builder.Append ... by fi.Name we get a file name with its extension.. in smFiles builder.Append fi.Name builder.Append ... by fi.Name we get a file name with its extension file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt.. in smFiles builder.Append Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension fi.Name builder.Append Although I am surprised there isn't a way to..

Resolve assembly references from another folder


sender args var dll otherCompanyDlls.FirstOrDefault fi fi.Name args.Name if dll null return null return Assembly.Load dll.FullName..

What is the best way to recursively copy contents in C#?


source.GetFiles fi.CopyTo Path.Combine target.ToString fi.Name true copy all the sub directories using recursion foreach..

C#: Accessing Inherited Private Instance Members Through Reflection


foreach FieldInfo fi in fields Console.WriteLine fi.Name Console.ReadLine This fails to find the field B.a. Is it even..