

c# Programming Glossary: fieldvalue

A faster replacement to the Dictionary<TKey, TValue>


new Dictionary string string dictionary.Add fieldName fieldValue dictionary.Add Title fieldVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalue Console.WriteLine..

Dynamic Object Serialization


StreamingContext ctx string fieldName string.Empty object fieldValue null foreach var field in info fieldName field.Name fieldValue.. null foreach var field in info fieldName field.Name fieldValue field.Value if string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace fieldName continue.. if string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace fieldName continue if fieldValue null continue this.values.Add fieldName fieldValue public..

Using OleDbDataAdapter and DataSet to update Access.mdb


dataTable DataRow row dataTable.NewRow row fieldName fieldValue eg row GUID System.Guid.NewGuid .ToString Do this for all attributes..

MVC Form Validation on Multiple Fields


string.Format Property ' 0 ' is undefined. field var fieldValue property.GetValue validationContext.ObjectInstance null if.. validationContext.ObjectInstance null if fieldValue null String.IsNullOrEmpty fieldValue.ToString return new ValidationResult.. null if fieldValue null String.IsNullOrEmpty fieldValue.ToString return new ValidationResult this.FormatErrorMessage..