

c# Programming Glossary: file.exists

Reading pdf content using iTextSharp in C#


string fileName StringBuilder text new StringBuilder if File.Exists fileName PdfReader pdfReader new PdfReader fileName for int.. string fileName StringBuilder text new StringBuilder if File.Exists fileName PdfReader pdfReader new PdfReader fileName for int..

Writing C# Plugin System


true #endregion public static void Load String file if File.Exists file file.EndsWith .dll true null return Assembly asm null try..

Checking for directory and file write permissions in .NET


FileAccess.Write fs.WriteByte 0xff if File.Exists fullPath File.Delete fullPath success true catch Exception..

How can I change the file location programmatically?


test.txt if File.Exists expectedFile File.Delete expectedFile XmlConfigurator.Configure..

When to use try/catch blocks?


require encryption. Moving file to FTPStage directory. if File.Exists _fullDestinationPathAndFilename UtilityLogger.LogToFile _fullDestinationPathAndFilename.. alreadyexists. Archiving that file. if File.Exists _fullDestinationPathAndFilename _archive UtilityLogger.LogToFile.. pgpdFilename _fullDestinationPathAndFilename .PGP if File.Exists pgpdFilename UtilityLogger.LogToFile pgpdFilename already exists..

How to Add 'Comments' to a JPEG File Using C#


null FileInfo originalImage new FileInfo imageFlePath if File.Exists imageFlePath load the jpg file with a JpegBitmapDecoder using..

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)


ConfigManager LoadConfig private void LoadConfig try if File.Exists filepath FileStream fs new FileStream filepath FileMode.Open..

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#


string fileName StringBuilder text new StringBuilder if File.Exists fileName PdfReader pdfReader new PdfReader fileName for int..

File being used by another process after using File.Create()


DirectoryPath costCentre if File.Exists filePath File.Create filePath using StreamWriter sw File.AppendText..

What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET?


foreach string file in Directory.GetFiles folder if File.Exists file FileInfo finfo new FileInfo file folderSize finfo.Length..

How often should I use try and catch in C#?


file You'll get more performance from some thing like File.Exists. such as if File.Exists somefile.txt MessageBox.Show The file.. performance from some thing like File.Exists. such as if File.Exists somefile.txt MessageBox.Show The file does not exist. EDIT found..

Resolve assembly references from another folder


.dll if string.IsNullOrEmpty strTempAssmbPath if File.Exists strTempAssmbPath logger.Information Assembly to load 0 File..

Efficient way to delete a line from a text file


counter writer.WriteLine reader.ReadLine counter if File.Exists tempPath File.Delete logPath File.Move tempPath logPath c#..

Download/Stream file from URL - asp.net


way instead. var filePath Server.MapPath DOCUMENT_PATH if File.Exists filePath return var fileInfo new System.IO.FileInfo filePath..

asp.net web service using office 2010 COM


_currentDirectory m_userName m_orgFileName if File.Exists m_orgFilePath string m_xpsFilePath _currentDirectory m_userName..