

c# Programming Glossary: file.copy

File.Copy vs. Manual FileStream.Write For Copying File


vs. Manual FileStream.Write For Copying File My problem is.. one windows network we could get away with using System.IO.File.Copy source destination to copy a file. Since many times all we have.. Does anyone know why this performs so much slower than File.Copy Is there anything I can do to improve performance Am I just..

Copy file on a network shared drive


context identity.Impersonate try File.Copy @ c temp MyFile.txt @ server folder Myfile.txt true catch context.Undo..

C# - How do I read and write a binary file?


it didn't mention byte initially see revision 1 Well File.Copy leaps to mind but otherwise this sounds like a Stream scenario..

C# Uploading files to file server


fileserver share improve this question Just use File.Copy filepath Files A windows fileshare exposed via..

How to provide user name and password when connecting to a network share


new NetworkConnection @ server2 write writeCredentials File.Copy @ server read file @ server2 write file share improve this..

C# Sanitize File Name


format is not supported. This was generated by either File.Copy or Directory.CreateDirectory . It didn't take long to realize..

File.Copy() to file server with network Credential


to file server with network Credential I am writing console.. This folder is protecting by username and password. File.Copy method does not works. it gives permission error. i have looked.. way to copy file to protected File Server with simple File.Copy bla bla it gives me you have not permission when i converted..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


Best way to copy the entire contents of a directory in C#


SourcePath . SearchOption.AllDirectories File.Copy newPath newPath.Replace SourcePath DestinationPath share improve..

How do I delete a directory with read-only files in C#?


test new DirectoryInfo @ C Users David Desktop Test File.Copy @ C Users David Desktop test.txt @ C Users David Desktop Test.. test new DirectoryInfo @ C Users David Desktop Test File.Copy @ C Users David Desktop test.txt @ C Users David Desktop Test..

how to create and download excel document using asp.net


DataClassesDataContext Make a copy of the template file. File.Copy @ C inetpub wwwroot project.Web Clients Handlers oxml tpl livreurs.xlsx..

Copy all files in directory


targetDir foreach var file in Directory.GetFiles sourceDir File.Copy file Path.Combine targetDir Path.GetFileName file foreach var..

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path denied


file FileAttributes.Normal File.Delete file Copy File.Copy file dest true File.SetAttributes dest FileAttributes.Normal..