

c# Programming Glossary: fontweight

How do I make my form transparent, but what I draw on it not?


Center VerticalAlignment Center FontSize 20 FontWeight Bold Hello World TextBlock Grid Now obviously since you've disabled..

WPF DataGrid: DataGridComboxBox ItemsSource Binding to a Collection of Collections


Margin 10 5 10 5 Height 100 HorizontalAlignment Stretch FontWeight Normal ItemsSource Binding Path OperationsStats AlternatingRowBackground..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


TextBlock Text Binding DateTime Grid.Column 0 FontWeight Bold Margin 5 0 5 0 TextBlock Text Binding Index Grid.Column.. 5 0 5 0 TextBlock Text Binding Index Grid.Column 1 FontWeight Bold Margin 0 0 2 0 TextBlock Text Binding Message Grid.Column.. TextBlock Text Binding DateTime Grid.Column 0 FontWeight Bold Margin 5 0 5 0 TextBlock Text Binding Index Grid.Column..

databind the Source property of the WebBrowser in WPF


Horizontal Label Content Binding Path CompanyName FontWeight Bold Foreground Blue TextBox Text Binding Path DisplayName.. Foreground Blue TextBox Text Binding Path DisplayName FontWeight Bold StackPanel TextBox Text Binding Path Street 0 TextBox..

WPF/MVVM - how to handle double-click on TreeViewItems in the ViewModel?


Value Binding IsSelected Mode TwoWay Setter Property FontWeight Value Normal Style.Triggers Trigger Property IsSelected Value.. Trigger Property IsSelected Value True Setter Property FontWeight Value Bold Trigger Style.Triggers Style TreeView.ItemContainerStyle..

WPF - Making Part of the Text Bold


question You need to use Inlines TextBlock.Inlines Run FontWeight Bold FontSize 14 Text This is WPF TextBlock Example. Run FontStyle..

WPF - Auto Line Number for FlowDocument?


Current font weight used for known objects summary public FontWeight CurrentFontWeight get set summary Current font style used for.. used for known objects summary public FontWeight CurrentFontWeight get set summary Current font style used for known objects summary.. CurrentFontFamily tb.FontSize CurrentFontSize tb.FontWeight CurrentFontWeight tb.FontStyle CurrentFontStyle tb.VerticalAlignment..

WPF Styles/Template inheritance


Arial Setter Property FontSize Value 13 Setter Property FontWeight Value Bold Setter Property Template Setter.Value ControlTemplate..

Using binding to a List<UserControl> how can I do for not showing the controls


Binding Objective Grid.Column 0 VerticalAlignment Center FontWeight Bold ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding Problems ItemsControl.ItemTemplate..

WPF C# InputBox


Center StackPanel TextBlock Margin 5 Text Input Box FontWeight Bold FontFamily Cambria TextBox MinWidth 150 HorizontalAlignment..

WPF equivalent to TextRenderer


string text FontFamily fontFamily FontStyle fontStyle FontWeight fontWeight FontStretch fontStretch double fontSize FormattedText.. string text FontFamily fontFamily FontStyle fontStyle FontWeight fontWeight FontStretch fontStretch double fontSize Typeface..

How to override MeasureOverride to find the size of ItemsControl


Binding ControlName VerticalAlignment Center FontSize 13 FontWeight Bold Foreground Beige Grid Grid Name gridpr Grid.Row 1 Background..