

c# Programming Glossary: form1_mousemove

C#: Problem displaying tooltip over a disabled control


in the parent form. Here's the code that does the job void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e m_toolTips.SetToolTip this testing.. _toolTip.SetToolTip this.textBox1 My text box private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e Control control GetChildAtPoint..

C# graphics flickering


e.X e.Y draw false xG.DrawImage bm 0 0 private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e if draw xG.DrawImage bm 0.. xFirst yFirst e.X e.Y draw false Invalidate private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e if draw Invalidate private..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


e _Moving true _Offset new Point e.X e.Y private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e if _Moving Point newlocation..

Hide mouse cursor after an idle time


5 this.MouseMove new MouseEventHandler Form1_MouseMove void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e LastMouseMove.. this.MouseMove new MouseEventHandler Form1_MouseMove void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e LastMouseMove DateTime.Now if..